Kidnapping Emrys

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Title: Kidnapping Emrys
Description: Arthur, Merlin, and the knights of the Round Table are on a hunting trip. Yeah, I bet you can already see the problem. Some bandits attack, and take them all captive. But why do they seem to want Merlin in particular? And who's Emrys? (Also Lancelot's not dead because I said so).
Word Count: 2,731
Part 1/1


"Stop being such a girl Merlin," Arthur counters after Merlin complains for just about the hundredth time that day.

"I just think we should stop and make camp somewhere soon," Merlin whines.

"Why, is your little bottom sore?" he taunts.

"Yeah, it's not as fat as yours!"

Arthur rolls his eyes, ignoring the comment, before claiming he found a good spot to stop and start setting up camp.


One moment the group had been sitting by the fire, and the next, fighting a group of bandits that had seemingly come out of nowhere. They were badly outnumbered and soon had a knife to Elyan's throat.

"Drop your weapons or I'll slit his throat!" the leader yells.

Everyone stopped fighting and put their weapons on the floor. One bandit for each knight came around and tied them up. The leader looked around before yelling yet again.

"Where is he!"

The confused knights, minus Lancelot, who had a pretty good idea who he was looking for, seemed to all share the same thought.


Somewhere behind the trees bordering the clearing, the man they were looking for tensed when the bandit called his name.

"Emrys! Come out or he dies!"

Merlin carefully walked out from behind the trees, holding his hands up.

"Merlin, what are you doing!" Arthur manages to get out before he is silenced with a rough slap to the face.

The leader motions to a bandit carrying a small box reeking with dark magic. He steps forward, towards Merlin.

"What's in the box?" Merlin questions with more seriousness in his voice than Arthur would have ever though possible.

"Just something that will make you... less dangerous. Put it on."

Arthur nearly scoffs at the idea of Merlin being dangerous.

The warlock cautiously opens the box and picks up a small beaded bracelet. Almost as soon as he touched it he dropped it like it was on fire.

"What, are you scared of me? You're a coward," Merlin spits, hardly covering the fear in his voice that the bracelet gave him.

"You know what it is then? Good. Put it on."

Merlin glances up at Arthur before reaching down to pick up the bracelet. It's heavy and has runes carved in the beads.

Saying no more, he slipped it over his wrist. He instantly started to sway. He felt as if all his magic was pushed deep down and locked in an unreachable cage. As empty as he felt, the pain that followed was so much worse. He cried out before falling on his knees, barely awake.

"Oh look at this." The bandit taunts, "The great Emrys on his knees at last."

Stepping away from the knights and towards the kneeling servant, he paused before leaning in, whispering just loud enough for the group to hear, "I'm going to make you pay for what you did."

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