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Title: Confrontations
Description: Mordred wants to know why Emrys had been acting so cold towards him. So, he went to his old druid camp to see what they might know on the matter. This fic is his confrontation with Merlin (and later Arthur) after learning about his role in the prophecies of the Once and Future King.
Word Count: 1,886
Part: 1/1

Yes, you're going to see a lot of Mordred fics in this book because he's my favorite character and not many people like him very much (that I've seen). I'm mostly writing things I don't see a fic for or there aren't enough of (in my opinion) lol.


Mordred had been gone for a couple days. He'd asked Arthur for a little time off to do... something, but he didn't tell anyone where he went. Then suddenly, he was back. He was back, and he was stalking over to Merlin, angrily. The man was standing on the training field, watching while Arthur trained his knights.

"You knew!" Mordred yelled at him, causing him to turn around, "The whole time!"


"And you never saw it fit to tell me!"

"Tell you what?"

Merlin was confused, and angry that Mordred was yelling at him.

"About the prophecy!"

Merlin paused.


"Well, how was I supposed to tell you?!" he yelled at the younger man.

"That's not my problem! You needed to figure that out! I had a right to know, Merlin!"

There was a small pause, the commotion had caught the attention of the knights who had been training.

"Who told you," Merlin asked, phrasing it more like a demand.

"Does it matter? I know now."

"Who," he repeated, crossing his arms.

"I went to the elders of my old camp. I asked them what I did to deserve your mistrust. They were the ones that told me."

Another pause.

"So, now you know. What are you going to do about it."

Mordred answered, "What do you want me to do? Stay? Leave? You tell me."

"You're a grown man Mordred. You don't need me to make your decisions for you."

"Maybe not, but you're still Emrys. If you tell me to leave, I'll go. If you want to keep an eye on me, I'll stay."

"Honestly Mordred, I don't know what to do, okay? When you were gone, I worried about what you were doing. Now that you're here, I worry about Arthur doing something that will set the prophecy in motion."

"Well, I want more than anything to stay, but I don't see how I can! Not anymore."

"What's going on over here?" Arthur asked, walking over to join the conversation, having heard enough.

"Nothing," the two said almost simultaneously.

"It doesn't sound like nothing. Why would one of my best knights not be able to stay?"

"Arthur, it's nothing you need to worry about, really."

"Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure I heard my name somewhere in this conversation and last time I checked, I'm still the king."


"No, Merlin. I don't want any half-truths or excuses. I want to know exactly what's going on. Right now."

Merlin Oneshots (and some multi-part stories)Where stories live. Discover now