How Arthur and the Knights Learn Merlin Has Scars (and Magic too)

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Title: How Arthur and the Knights Learn Merlin Has Scars (and Magic too)
Description: Merlin gets injured while on a patrol with the knights. He pushed through the pain and dealt with his wound like it was just a normal Saturday afternoon. But, a wound like that would make even the toughest of men pass out from pain. So how can silly, clumsy, idiotic Merlin act so... normal? SCAR-FIC and Magic Reveal!!
Word Count: 3,487
Part: 1/1

I can't believe I haven't written a scar-fic before now😭 Also this isn't proof-read so... sorry about any mistakes. And sorry for the bad title too.

"It'll be a quick patrol, Merlin. We're just going to take a look at the bridge, and then we'll be back. It won't take more than a day, we'll be back before nightfall."

"These patrols always take longer than you say they will, Arthur. Is it really necessary for you to go?"


Arthur paused.

"Although, you aren't a knight. You aren't obligated to go, you know. You can stay here-"

"And leave your sorry ass unprotected? I don't think so."

"I'm not going to be unprotected Merlin. I have plenty of good knights going with me. And I'm the prince! I can take care of myself."

Merlin snorts.

"Yeah, okay."

"Be ready by noon tomorrow, Merlin."

Merlin rolled his eyes.

"Yes, sire."


Why must it always be bandits?

They were surrounded by ten or more of the cursed creatures. Nothing the knights couldn't handle, at least, with Merlin's help anyways. Arthur took out two of them almost immediately. Another three were handled by a couple falling tree branches and suddenly red hot swords. The final five were taken care of by the remaining four knights (Gwaine, Percival, Elyan, and Leon) without Merlin's aid. They all sighed in relief when they saw that there were no more bandits. They had won.

Merlin's eyes caught on before the rest of them, when he saw an arrow fly out from the tree line and head straight for Arthur.

"Arthur, look out!" he yelled, and ran towards him to push him out of the way.

He instinctually slowed down time so that he could reach Arthur before it was too late. He shoved him out of harm's way, and nearly made it to safety himself. Nearly. The arrow caught his left bicep, just as time began to race normally.

"Merlin!" he heard Arthur yell as he fell to the floor.

He only just processed Elyan racing into the trees to chase the fleeing bandit.

"Merlin you idiot! Why would you push me out of the way?"

Merlin chuckled, sitting up and leaned his back against a tree.

"Someone had to."

"Don't try to sit up. You've been shot in the shoulder. But don't worry, we'll get you back to Gaius and-"

Merlin cut off his ramblings.

"Stop being such a prat, I'm fine."

Arthur looked at him incredulously.

"Fine? Merlin, you were just shot!"

Merlin scoffed and murmured under his breath, "Yeah, what else is new?"

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