Freya's Brother, Percival

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Title: Freya's Brother, Percival
Description: Freya doesn't die. Instead, Merlin hides her in the woods. And Percival is her brother. Basically a sibling reunion story. OR When Merlin first meets Percival he knows that he is Freya's brother. He's just like she described him. He just couldn't help but open his big mouth. "You're Percival!"
Word Count: 1,798
Part 1/1


"You'll be safe here Freya."

"Thank you Merlin, for all you've done for me."

"I promised I would protect you. I'm not going back on my word now."

She smiles up at him.

"You'd better get back to Camelot, I'd hate to keep you longer than I must."

Merlin hesitates.

"Are you sure? I can stay a few more days if you'd like-"

"No, Merlin. Besides, I'd hate to think what destiny would do to me if I kept you away from the prince for too long."

"Alright, but I'll be back, I promise."

He stands up and strides towards the door of the cottage. It was the same one he'd used as Dragoon's home to fool Arthur. He's simply added a shit-ton of protection enchantments around it to keep his lover safe (and keep unwanted people out) while he was gone. And also to keep her in. Only while in her Basset form, and only until they found a cure. Because they would. He'd make sure of it.

Sending Freya one last glance, he exits the cottage and makes his way towards Camelot.


"I take it that rockfall wasn't an accident?" Arthur asks, looking at Lancelot.

"This is Percival." Lancelot replies, "It was his strength that brought them down."

"Your highness," Percival greets Arthur warmly.


Arthur goes to shake his hand, noticing just how strong this man really is.

"Arthur it is," Percival agrees, accepting the prince's handshake.

"What were you doing here?" Arthur asks Lancelot finally.

Merlin gets up from where he was sitting and replies, "It was me, I sent for him."

"Well, we owe you our lives. Thank you."

While Arthur and Lancelot (and Guinevere) exchange a very uncomfortable and awkward few glances, Merlin studies Percival.

He's a very large man; lots of muscle. Merlin knows for certain he's never met him. Yet, everything about him screams familiarity. It only takes him a second to realize just how he knows him though.

"You're Percival!" Merlin exclaims suddenly, catching the attention of everyone, not just the man in particular.

"Yes Merlin, I believe Lancelot just introduced him," Arthur rolls his eyes.

"No, not that you clotpole, I meant, you're Freya's brother!"

Merlin remembers all sorts of stories Freya would tell him about her family, and life, before she was cursed. She recounted several adventures she went on with her brother, Percival. While he's sure the man has worked hard for his muscle, Freya always described his natural strength.

~~This is where the alternate path the story could have taken starts (it's written at the end of the story)~~

"Freya? How do you know her?" Percival asks.

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