Some Immortal Guy... Emrys?

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Title: Some Immortal Guy... Emrys?
Description: Arthur and Merlin are out hunting (again). While Arthur is out looking for a stream, the witch who cursed Freya appears and Arthur gets back at that same time. Just in time to overhear her conversation with Merlin.
Word Count: 1,519
Part 1/1


Arthur decided he didn't want to deal with his kingly duties and announced he was going on a hunting trip. That was yesterday. Now, Merlin is being dragged along while they kill innocent little bunnies. He's had a bad feeling since before the king announced that they were even going on this trip. This kept him on edge, flinching at something so little as the rustling of the leaves in the wind. Of course, when he said as much, Arthur just told him to stop being a girl and ignored his "bad feelings". Well, here we are. Day two of the hunting trip. When all went wrong. And a secret or two just might have been revealed...

"Can't we just stop here for lunch," Merlin groaned.

Arthur sighed, reluctantly agreeing after his own stomach began to growl.

Merlin quickly got to work tying up the horses and grabbed the sandwiches from his pack.

Of course he was the one who had to carry everything. Couldn't that prat do anything?

They ate lunch in relative silence, a joke and some teasing here or there. Arthur had gone to find a stream or something while Merlin cleaned up at camp. Arthur was about to reenter Merlin's line of sight when an old woman entered the clearing.

She looked around until she spotted Merlin, not noticing Arthur hidden behind the trees.

"Who are you?" Merlin asked the woman once he spotted her.

"Don't play dumb boy, where is she! I know she's here!"

Merlin looked confused.

"I'm sorry?" he asked.

"That wretched girl. The one that killed my son! Where is she!"

"I honestly don't know who or what your talking about-"

"She's here! I know it! My spell led me right to her!"

"Led you to who?" Merlin asked, not even flinching at the mention of sorcery, like Arthur thought he would.

"That girl Freya."

Merlin felt as if the whole world had come to a screeching stop. He nearly dropped everything he was holding.

This was her. The witch that cursed Freya. His Freya.

"She's dead," he said finally, "She has been for a long time."

"Serves her right. That wretched girl did love killing."

"She did not," Merlin said angrily, trying not to loose his cool.

"And who are you to say such things? I was there when she killed my only son! Not you." 

In her eyes, her son could do no wrong.

"And I was there after! That curse," he spits out, his voice laced with venom, "you put on her tortured her every night. She couldn't control what she was doing and who she was killing. And, once she was on her deathbed, she told me she didn't hate her killer because he freed her from that curse. Sometimes even I have trouble forgiving him, even though he was just protecting his home."

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