Into the Future

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Title: Into the Future
Description: A child Merlin is brought to the future and with him, many questions. The only question is... Will Merlin have answers?
Word Count: 3,611
Part: 1/1

Sorry the title kinda sucks, I couldn't think of anything else :)

Gwen's day was alright. It wasn't the best, but she'd had worse days. It was the anniversary of her father's death. She'd turned up for work that morning, only to find that she'd been given the day off in remembrance. With so much time on her hands, she decided to pick some flowers and visit her father's grave. Now, Gwen couldn't ever truly get over her fathers death, but she has had years for the pain to fade. So, when her afternoon was interrupted by a crying young boy, she wasn't at all upset.

"Are you alright?" she asked him.

The boy, who had been sitting with his back to a tree, his arms hugging his knees and his head in between them, looked up. He had dark hair, blue eyes, and large ears. He reminded Gwen a little of Merlin.

"Who are you?" he asked after a while.

Gwen smiled warmly.

"My name is Guinevere, but most people call me Gwen."

The boy only sniffled in response, so she continued.

"What's your name?"

There was a short pause.

"Mummy says I'm not supposed to tell strangers my name."

"But, how will I know what to call you?"

The boy briefly paused again.

"You can call me Will, if you'd like."

"Is that your name?"

He only sat there, not even shaking his head in reply.

"Okay, Will. Are you lost? I can help you find your mum."

"Nothing looks familiar! I don't- I don't know where I am," he wailed.

"Hey, hey. It's okay! I can help you find home. If you'll come with me?"

The boy, Will, sat thinking for a moment.

After a while, he decided that she was trustworthy, and wiped his tears away before standing up and taking her hand.

"Okay," he said and then she led him back to the castle, hoping the boy lived there.

He didn't say anything, although the way his eyes grew wide with wonder made Gwen worry that he might not live here after all. She'd thought to take him to Gaius at first, but then decided to go to Arthur instead. Arthur would be happy to help this child find his way home.

When they'd finally made it to Arthur's chambers, she knocked before Arthur called for her to enter.

"Ah! Guinevere. What brings you here?"

Arthur and Gwaine were in the room, neither in their armor.

"I found a child all alone while visiting my father's grave. He said he's lost."

"Hello!" Gwaine exclaimed, "My name is Gwaine, and this is Arthur."

The boy didn't speak and only looked at them, hesitation and something not unlike fear in his eyes.

"Has he spoken to you?" Arthur asked.

Gwen nodded, "Yes. He said I should just call him Will, although I'm not sure if that's his real name or not."

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