My Name

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Title: My Name
Description: A random sorcerer decides to try and take over Camelot. Merlin tells him his name.
Word Count: 230
Part 1/1

This is REALLY lazy and I wrote it at like 12am so don't judge me😭😭

"Stop!" A commanding voice echoed through the empty throne room, save for 9 people

"You dare to interrupt me?" the sorcerer challenged

"Yes I do." Merlin states simply

Arthur's words of concern were lost.

"And why, pray tell, should I listen to a servant like you?"

"Awe come on," Merlin taunts, "You don't even know my name."

The sorcerer, feeling as though he were in control, decided to play along.

"Fine then. Indulge me."

"Well it's no fun if I just up and say it. You gotta guess."

The sorcerer stepped forward so he was only a breath away from Merlin.

"I don't have time for games boy."

Merlins whole demeanor changed. The once in easy going tone was lost behind the serious cover.

"Oh, but I think this is one you'd want to play."

The sorcerer, surprised at the sudden change, said nothing.

"Well? Out with it boy! You either tell me or not."

Merlin sighed, "Well you really are no fun."

He then leaned in and whispered something inaudible to the man.

He jumped back started before muttering an apology and leaving in a puff of smoke.
I know cliché right?

No one figured out what he said to the sorcerer that day, and no one could get it out of Merlin. But they never saw that sorcerer again. And that was the end of that.

The End

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