The (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot Part Two

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Title: The (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot
Description: Uther is a hypocrite, but just how much of a hypocrite is he? Hypocrite enough to ask Gaius for a sorcerer that will do what he can to protect Camelot against magical enemies? Hypocrite enough to spare said-sorcerer? Even when he's been hiding under his nose the whole time? Even if he's been practicing magic in the heart of his kingdom? Yes. I'd say he is.
How Merlin became the (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot, the kingdom that bans magic.
Word Count: 1,328
Part 2/2

Did I procrastinate all week and not write anything until Saturday night? Yes. Did I still get the chapter I promised out? Also yes. Sorry for it being posted so late though😭
Anyways, enjoy the chapter :)


The whole day after they got back, Arthur watched Merlin like a hawk. Even though Arthur had told his father the news, he still worried that Uther might take it out on Merlin. Arthur isn't sure what that would look like, or even why, but after that conversation he heard, he's not going to risk it. Merlin isn't going to be alone with his father. Merlin was with him all day, and didn't go see Uther. It wasn't until he was laying in bed and Merlin was already gone that he realized his error. He had seen Merlin going into Uther's chambers at night before. Why wouldn't he go there now?

Oh shit.

Arthur scrambled out of bed and rushed to go find Merlin. He could be in his fathers chambers by now. He was about halfway to his destination when he realized that  he couldn't just waltz into the king's room. Luckily, he knew about a secret passage that led into his father's room, just in case he needed to flee. Not that Uther ever would. He could wait in there.

Arthur was surprised to find out he got there before Merlin. Merlin arrived shortly and he could hear what they were saying, it was only slightly muffled.

"You're late," he heard Uther say.

"Sorry, I got caught up with something."

Arthur assumed he gave Merlin a "you-better-tell-me-what-that-means" look because Merlin sighed and elaborated.

"I ran into an assassin when I was leaving Arthur's chambers. He's been dealt with."

Arthur blinked in shock, barely processing Uther's unsurprised non-reply.

"So, the dragonlord is dead. You have doomed us all."

"No," Merlin said, "We aren't doomed."

Uther (probably) raised an eyebrow. Arthur could envision it clearly.

"Is there another dragonlord?"


Uther expected Merlin to continue, but when he didn't, Uther pressed for answers.

"Did he have a son?"

Merlin didn't answer.

Could Balinor have had a son? Arthur thought.

"When Balinor escaped the Slaughter-"

"The Purge," Uther corrected.

Arthur could almost see the look Merlin was giving Uther. if this weren't a more serious moment he probably would have laughed.

"The Slaughter."

When Uther didn't say anything, Merlin continued.

"When he escaped, he fled to a village on the border of Essetir. There he met a woman and fell in love with her. But then your men came searching for him and he had to leave for fear of his life, and the life of his lover."

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