The (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot

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Title: The (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot
Description: Uther is a hypocrite, but just how much of a hypocrite is he? Hypocrite enough to ask Gaius for a sorcerer that will do what he can to protect Camelot against magical enemies? Hypocrite enough to spare said-sorcerer? Even when he's been hiding under his nose the whole time? Even if he's been practicing magic in the heart of his kingdom? Yes. I'd say he is.
How Merlin became the (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot, the kingdom that bans magic.
Word Count: 2,823
Part 1/2

I wasn't going to post this in 2 parts, but I could finish the fic fast enough and I still want to post every Saturday. So, here's part one! Part two will be out next Saturday :)

So, I had the idea for this fic before I read "Fool Me Once" by Anonymous, but I read that fic before I actually started writing this one so it feels wrong not to say it was inspired because it sort of was.

"Gaius, I need to speak to you," Uther said to him after a council meeting one day. The rest of the men had already left the room, so the two of them were alone.

"About what, sire?" he asked.

"Magic. As much as it pains me to admit, we need magic to fight magic."

"And how do you propose we do that?"

"We need a sorcerer. One that is willing to help us."

Gaius looked at him in astonishment.

"Is there such a sorcerer that you know of?"

"Well, sire. I cannot be sure. As you know, since the purge, I have put magic behind me."

"Surely there is an old friend of yours that you've stayed in contact with?"

"You killed many sorcerers within the span of these last twenty years."

"But you know of one?"

Gaius hesitated.

"There... is one who may be willing to help. But I'm not sure I could convince him to reveal himself. He wouldn't be sure that this isn't a trap to lure him out."

Uther thought about that for a moment.

"But there is someone."

Gaius nodded.

"Yes sire, I believe so."

"Good," he paused, "On what conditions do you think he would come to our aid?"

"It's hard to say for sure, sire. He would be fearful for his life and angry for the deaths of his kin."

"Yes, but if I granted him a pardon? Much like I have with you," Uther suggested, ignoring the last part of Gaius's sentence.

"I don't know how genuine he would believe it, sire. He may think it is a ruse, or that you would go back on your word."

"Surely there is magic that could bind me to it? To make sure I keep my word."

"There is such a spell, sire, but would you be willing to partake in such a ritual?"

"I am desperate, Gaius. I am not ignorant enough to believe that Arthur can defeat every magical problem that is thrown our way."

"I will ask him. But he may yet refuse."

Uther nodded, "Of course."

Gaius bowed and left the room, leaving Uther to his thoughts.


"No. No way Gaius! Are you mad?" Merlin yelled, after Gaius had told him what Uther wanted.

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