Minho x Mafia

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It's a sunny day in April, the smell of the flowers are blewing in the wind as you came home after a walk through the woods. You entered your House and your Dad was about to leave for work ,,Oh hey Y/n darling, how was your walk?" ,,Amazing" you smiled. You hugged your Dad and he said ,,I am going to work now, i come back at 9pm, leave me some food in the fridge okay?" he smiled and you nodded ,,Yes dad, have fun" ,,Thanks Darling" he said and left. Your father works at the Police, when you were young you also wanted to be a Police women one day, but now.. hearing all the hard work he has to do it isn't that good anymore.

It was wednesday, the day you watering the plants in the House. As you were going into your Dad's office room to watering his plants you see a file on his desk. You were curious so you take a look at it. You only opened the file a bit and the first paper was filled with an arrest warrant for a Young boy, supposedly he's the boss from a Mafia Group. You can't believe this, he is only 22 but.. he looked good, the Picture of him.. he could be a model instead of the Mafia. You took a step away and started to watering the plants. You wanted to know about him and the whole case but you can't ask your father, he would know that you read his stuff so you need another Idea. You made a picture with your handy from the file and other Papers and went back to your room to read them all.

It's reading there that they go into Bars, Clubs in the night and murder, kidnapping and rob. You read everything really carefully and found the key, the key how the Mafia works. They go to the Clubs in an order and the next club should be the Lamouse Bar in the neighboorhood ~ when everything was right on the files but you know that your Dad is working good so you tried it out. Your plan was to found him, you want to help your Dad. When he can arrest him he will get the promotion and that's what you want for your Dad. You don't think about that something can go wrong, you just want to help.

three, four hours later your Mom called you Downstairs ,,Y/n, food is ready" ,,I am coming" you yelled back. You stood up from your bed and ate Dinner with your Mom und your little Brother Niki. You talked about today and about where you should do the next vacation. After Dinner your Family went to the livingroom and watched Movies together until your Dad finally came home ,,I am home" ,,Hey daaaad" you said as you stood up and greeted him. You took the food out of the oven after you heated it a few minutes ago and placed it on the Kitchen table ,,Here Dad" ,,Ah, thank you Darling! Oh it smells good" he smiled and you nodded. You talked with him a bit about random stuff and ... Police stuff, you asked him out about every small detail you can get without him noticing.

Since this day you wanted to go to the Bar every night, it was not hard to sneak out, you are old enough, you finished school and wanted to start working in a few weeks so your Parents aren't looking after you like you were 12. You want to see him, you want this so bad, for your Dad. You changed into a Dress and went to the Bar, you sat there at the end of the Room, where you can see everything. According to testimonies, they will come between 2-4am so you waited. And waited... and waited. but nothing happened. it was half past 5 am as you get so tired and went back home. You asked yourself ,,What did i do wrong? is this dumb? God, what i am doing.." but you won't give up. You will go there every night from now on until you find them.

And it was unreal but, they came. It was 8 days after the day you found out about this and spend the first night at the Bar. You were siting right next to the Door as a few dark clothed People came in with some Guns. You were silent, right now, the Adrenalin hits you hard. You planned this right? But right now, you don't know what to do. They yelled so loud, it was all a mess, you wanted to stand up but someone pushed you back on your seat, he had a black mask on and pointed a gun at you ,,DO NOT GET UP" ,,I need.. fresh air.. air.." you mumbled as you felt dizzy, You tried again to stay up and hear the Person ,,Shit.. what should i do?!" he was really mad but he let you go out. You get out of the Bar, breathing the fresh air from the cold night. The night was so calm, nobody could now that the Mafia is inside this Bar.. everything was so silent.

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