Minho x I am not your Robot, I am just me

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Seoul, Year 2538.

Alot happened, the technology made huge steps for a better life. Robots everywhere.

You don't know your real Parents, you got adopted from a rich couple when you were only 3 months old. Your childhood was not always easy, but since the Robots are taking every place of normal worker, many People became unemployed, like your Parents. Your Mother worked as a cook and your Father worked in a Fabric, but since the Robots are smart enough and had artificial intelligence, they took so many Jobs. Your Dad was home and was mad at everyone, he began to drink alcohol and was always angry, did drugs and sometimes he slapped you or your mother. You always wanted to run away but your Mother didn't know where to go so you stayed with him. These Robots are everywhere and now, also in your House. Your father bought one to clean the House, for him it was only a Robot, but for you it was a friend.

At first you acted shy towards the Robot, it was a bit weird but since he was in your House for 2 weeks you started to talk with him, he don't seem like a Robot.. only the way he walks and speaks. You were reading a book for school and studied as it knocked on your door and your Robot ~ Minho came in ,,Hello Y/n, i am here to clean your Room. Do you have any tasks for me?" ,,Uhm.. no.. wait.. do you understand anything about physics?" you asked and put the book down. He said ,,Of course, I know everything you want to know, just ask me" ,,Mh.. forget it. I want you to spend time with me.. i don't have real friends.. except you" you sobbed. He came closer and said ,,I am your friend Y/n, i can spend time with you if you want too" ,,This would be great.. but i think Dad would destroy you if the House isn't clean... uhm.. oh, let me help you clean the House and we watch a Movie afterwards okay?" ,,Okay Y/n, as you wish" he said and left to clean the house while you cleaned your Room.

You and Minho watched a Movie and after it he went back under the stairs, where he stay's when there is nothing to do. Like a household appliance... With everyday he was there, everything was better and better, you finally had a friend even if its a Robot. But then.. this day came... a day where something bad will happen. In the News you heard alot about Robots that tend to rebel. Robots with artificial intelligence that wants the same rights like Humans. But this was not the worst thing. You and Minho were again in your Room and you talked with him as you hear your Parents yelling at each other. You looked at Minho ,,He is drunk and on drugs again right?" ,,Yes, according to analysis he drunk 4 glasses of whiskey and had 20mg of drugs in. Analyse end" he said in his Robot Voice. But after a loud noise you knew something were not right.

You stood up in shock and listened on the Door what your Father said. Minho said ,,I can go" ,,WAIT, what if he hurt you??" you asked worried and Minho answered monotone like always ,,I don't have feelings, i can't feel pain. I have to go now" he opened the door and went downstairs. You stand on the door, still not knowing what happened. You slowly went to the stairs and listened to the things your Dad says but it was really hard to understand something. You hear Minho saying ,,Sir, do you have any tasks for me?" ,,Nhhah.. wwwaitt.. clean this shit.. bring the body somewhhhhereee" your dad mumbled and you hear the noise of Minho when he analysed something, this high pitched sound makes you anxious. Your dad began to yell at Minho and you went downstairs and got a shocked. You saw Minho in front of the Kitchen, your Father, drunk as always with blood on his shirt and.. your Mom.. with a knife in her body. Her body.. full with blood. You screamed so loud and your Dad were mad ,,You little shit.. you are next"

You wanted to run away but you couldn't. To see your Mother dead on the ground had you shocked. The tears rushed over your whole face. You screamed ,,MINHO HELP ME!!" but Minho was standing there like he is deactivate. Your Dad was coming towards you with a baseball bat. He was so close to hit you as Minho came from behind and smashes the microwave on his head. You looked shocked at him and Minho grabbed your hand and said ,,Come!!" you followed him and you both runned away, for 10 minutes straight until you arrived at a Bus Stop. You drove with the next Bus to the end of the City, cried the whole drive on Minho's shoulder. You were totally in shock, this was the worst day ever. You two don't know where to go, don't know what to do next, where to sleep at night...

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