Hyunjin x Boy next door

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It's Corona Time.

Your whole City is in Lockdown and Quarantine. You're not allowed to leave your house except for getting food from a Transporter who's driving around the city like a post car. A few days earlier a boy moved in to the house right next to you. His name is Hwang Hyunjin - he had dark hair and he was really pretty. You just talked a bit - he was about to join your school as the lockdown started. Was it your destiny that your bedroom and his bedroom are on the same side so your Windows are just 7 meters apart.

It was a sunday morning as you came fresh from the shower and opened your window for fresh air - and Hyunjin sat on his sofa directly on his open window and smiled. You waved at him and he waved back. You were a bit nervous because you're only in a towel so you said ,,I should change my outfit.. be right back" you smiled and he giggled with a bright smile.

You grabbed something from your closet and went back to the bathroom to dress up and wear a bit makeup and done your hair. Back at your room Hyunjin was still on the same place, reading a book and smiled as he saw you. You smiled at him and he asked ,,Should we exchange phone numbers? I can text you.. or call you if you want to.." ,,Oh, sure - wait i tell you my number" you said. He saved your number in his phone and texted you.

Hey, it's me.. the boy next door

Hey.. i am Y/n, the girl next door

I didn't forget your name.. it's a pretty name for a pretty girl..

Thank you.. i like your name too

Can I call you?

Sure :)

Hyunjin called you and you both sat on the window and talked through the phone - it's better when your Parents and other neighbors are not listen when you scream at each other. He smiled the whole time ,,After lockdown.. do you want to go out with me? Maybe to a Café?" ,,Sure! I would love to! I love the Café and it seems like you're a really nice guy so.." you said shyly. Your heart beats so fast - he's really flirty but also very friendly and absolutely amazing.

You began to talk every day - for hours. The lockdown is 3 weeks and after that he asked you on a phone call ,,So lockdown is over tomorrow.. let's go to a Café.. I'll pick you up okay?" ,,Okay! I'm excited" you smiled and he nodded ,,me too." The next day he picked you up like he promised. That was the first time he hugged you - and gave you compliments ,,You're prettier when I'm close to you" ,,T-thank you" you stuttered.

You both went into the Café and had a nice date - he was funny and charming, you want to meet him more often, this could be the start of a wonderful friendship - or maybe relationship? ♥️

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