Jisung x Gay best friend

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It's summer, the sun is shining while you hang out with your Friends at the Hangang. The weather is just perfect to chill at the River. Your best friend Jisung ordered Food through the Phone for you and your other friends Changbin, Chan, Chaeyoung and Minho. Your other friends will come later with some Alcohol when it's getting a bit colder. You were laying on a blanket with Jisung and looked at the only clouds you see in the sky. Jisung said ,,I wish i could be a bird.." ,,Why a Bird?" you asked. Jisung chuckled ,,Because clouds always look so fluffy.. i want to touch them.." ,,But i don't think birds can touch them.." ,,Don't detroy my dreams Y/n" he laughed.

While the others listened to Music and talked loudly while playing Volleyball you and Jisung were alone and you asked him about his Crush ,,Jisung.. what is with Marc?" ,,Oh.. Marc.. ah.. i don't know.. we had a few dates but i don't think it works out, we don't have the same hobbies and all.. ah i don't know.. i stopped texted him and he hasn't texted me since 5 days so what.." Jisung said and leaned forwards to drink something. You came also forwards and said ,,It's okay Jisung, i am sorry for you but you will find someone who loves you how you deserve it." ,,Do you think so?" he asked you and you nodded with a big smile ,,Of course! You are amazing, don't give up!" ,,Thank you Y/n, that means alot to me" he smiled back.

Changbin yelled ,,Yaaaa, our food is here, ahhh finally!" ,,i am starving.. finally some Pizza and Ramen yummy" Chan added. You all ate your food and had some smalltalk like always. Minho said ,,When will the others come with the drinks? Did they said a time?" ,,Seungmin said around 6/7pm" you said and he nodded. It was a few minutes before 6pm so they will come soon. Changbin said ,,We should invite some more friends or? I am really in the mood to drink and have a small party here at the hangang" ,,Sure i can text NCT" Jisung said and Changbin smiled proudly ,,That's dope, hope they will come" ,,Of course, they are always ready for party" Jisung added. You finished your Ramen and leaned back ,,Ahhhhh that was good"

A short time later the others and some NCT Members arrived. You drunk, talked and listened to music. You and Jisung were sitting next to each other after you watched the Sunset together. Jeongin came with two Beers and handed them to you ,,Here" ,,Thank you" you both said and Jeongin left to the others. Jisung and you drunk a bit and then he looked at you ,,Y/n.. i am so thankful to have you in my life.. you are more than just a best friend... you are always here for me when I need you.." ,,Jisung, that's why we are friends, we are always here for each other right? We promised" you smiled at him and hit his arm softly.

He chuckled ,,I know.. but i think i don't say it often.. i love you Y/n, thank you for everything" ,,You are welcome, i love you too" you said with a smile. He was looking at you with sparkling eyes, wait, did you just say i love you? Why does it feel so... different? You never told each other i love you, it was always a friendship ~ love you (bro). But right now it was totally different.. the whole mood.. the fact, that Jisung is coming closer to you, you looked at his lips as he leaned in for... a kiss?

Yes, a kiss. it happened so fast, only a blink and he was so close to your face, he pouted his soft lips and kissed you softly and you kissed him back, without knowing what the hell is happening right now. Only a short moment later he leaned back and he clears his throat. Your heart skipped a beat and you said ,,Jisung.. what was that..." ,,I... I am sorry.. i need to go" he mumbled sad and stood up. You followed him loudly ,,JISUNG?? You can't walk away now?? Please talk to me!" ,,What's wrong?" Minho asked. You eyes followed Jisung, who walks away, and then to Minho ,,I don't know.. he kissed me and now he's gone..." ,,Follow him Y/n, trust me" Minho said and you nodded, followed Jisung.

You runned after him ,,JISUNG WAIT FOR ME... FUVK JUST WAIT!?!?" finally, he stopped. He turned around and said ,,I am sorry Y/n, i should not have done this.. i am sorry" ,,Jisung it's okay but please talk to me.. why did you kissed me? You are Gay you know that?" you said and he took a deep breath ,,No.. i don't think i am gay..." ,,What????" ,,I told Marc that i am not gay. I was.. i thought i was.. but.. you are the only Person i have such strong feelings for.. that's why i wanted to kiss you, to know.. if it's true.. and it is.. i love you... i am sorry" he sobbed. You came closer and grabbed his hand ,,Jisung it's fine.. i love you too.. i just thought you are gay that's why i never saw you in that way but now.. i am head over heels for you..." you confessed.

Jisung looked surprised ,,What? Really?" ,,Yes Jisung..." you said shyly. A big smile appeared on his face and he pulled you closer ,,So.. I can kiss you again?" ,,Yes..." you nodded with a smile. He placed his left hand on your right cheek and leaned in for a kiss, this time.. longer and with full of love..

Jisung chuckled ,,Wow.. it would be weird to tell the others about us.." ,,I have the feeling a few already know it.." you laughed as you pointed at the way you came from and see your friends looking at you, screaming, whistle and making kiss noises. Jisung laughed ,,Wow.. you are right, that makes it easier for me" he turned you around and kissed you again. His soft lips are everything... he is the love of your life...

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