Minho x Backup crush from BTS

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You are at a BTS Concert in Seoul, VIP Seats. Why? Oh, you are the Sister/Brother from no one other than Park Jimin. You and your Brother have a good friendship and you are very happy to support him on their Concert. You get along with all the Members, they are really really friendly and care about you. You are enjoying the Concert and went backstage after the Last Song was over. You waited Backstage but hear BTS giving their goodbye speech. You were sitting on a Chair and the Backgrounddancer came from the Stage, with them... he. Lee Minho.

Your Boyfriend, secret Boyfriend. He saw you and came to you ,,Oh Y/n, i didn't know that you were Backstage.." ,,Jimin wanted to go out eating until he goes back to the BTS Dorm so i am waiting here for him..." you smiled. Minho smiled back ,,Ah.. are you free tomorrow?" ,,Yes.. what do we wanna do?" you asked and he smirked ,,surprise, text me when you are home" he blows a kiss secretly so no one could see it. Minho was so unbelievable. You are dating since only 2 months after spending time together.

Since you are often with BTS and Minho is their Backup Dancer you are "friends" with all their Backup dancer because you loved it to be backstage and support your Brother. But no one should know about your Relationship, Jimin is always so overprotective and you don't wannt to worry him. Only 10 minutes later BTS came Backstage. Jimin went to you ,,Yaaaaaa, how was it??" ,,You are amazing Jimin" you laughed and he chuckled ,,Good good haha, so i am going to change my outfit and we can go, give me 5 minutes" ,,Okay, i am waiting" you smiled.

Jimin came back and you went to a fastfood restaurant to eat something. You talked alot about random stuff, like always. You went out and walked to the BUS Station. Jimin said ,,What are you doing when i am on South Korea Tour the next 3 weeks?" ,,Mhh.. i don't know.. spending time ith friends.. watching netflix.. like always haha" you smiled. Jimin joked ,,Mhh.. you are old enough i think you should start dating, find a good guy in University.. someone smart.." ,,Mh.. i don't want to at the moment..." you mumbled, your smile faded. He raised his eyebrow ,,Everything fine?" ,,What? Yeah, I am just tired.. it's already 1am.." ,,Right.. you need to sleep" he patted your head.

You waited for the Bus and then drove home while Jimin walked back to their Dorm. Back home you called Minho via videocall. He was happy to see you again and said ,,I can't wait to see you again tomorrow, let's go to the Amusement Park okay?" ,,Ohh yes!! I would love to!" you said happily. You can't wait, can't wait to be with him again.. to be in his arms.. feel his soft lips on yours. Dating secretly is always so hard, being Jimin's Sibling is also very hard, he tries his best to keep you out of his Public life but still people know who you are and ask you about Jimin and BTS.. it's so annoying sometimes. But the next day with Minho was amazing, wearing a face mask, sunglasses and a hat makes it easy for you not to get reconized as Park Y/n.

A few days later you went with Minho to the Hangang River and relaxed there at lunch. Minho was really thoughtfull today so you asked him ,,What are you thinking about?" ,,Mh.. i don't know exactly.. you know.. i love dancing.. and i love to be a dancer on the stage..." he said and you nodded ,,Of course, you are an amzing dancer!" ,,Yes.. uhm.. but the last time i feel different about this.." he added. Your eyes widened ,,Nooo! Don't stop it! Minho.. you are so talented.. YOU CAN'T STOP!!" Minho let out a laughter ,,Y/n sweetie.. i don't wanna quit this.. i was thinking.. i want to be the Star on the Stage.. i want to be an Idol and that's why i was thinking about.. going to JYP.. they have open additions i have seen last night..." ,,Oh wow.... omg.. you should try it!!"

Minho smiled ,,Should I?" ,,OMG YES!! Let's go now!" you stood up and grabbed his hand ,,Come Minho!" ,,Wait.. now??" he asked surprised and you nodded ,,Yes, come on now!" you giggled and you both take a Bus and drove to the JYP Building. In the Bus you googled about the open auddition and it's the perfect time now. You were in front of the Building and you looked at Minho and said ,,Do it.." Minho chuckled totally nervous ,,Okay.. let's try it..." you both went inside and it took a few hours.. you went home earlier because you were already waiting for 4 hours and had a few things to do. But later in the evening you got a call from Minho ,,Babe.. i am in!! I am now a trainee.. omg.. i should tell BIGHIT.. i should tell my Family.. Omg.. thank you Y/n.." ,,I AM SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!" You were so happy...

Minho deserves it, but that also means he has alot to do now, you were in the middle of dating, getting closer to each other and now he's always busy.. but most important is that he is happy. It's been a few months later, you are still together and managed it to have an amazing secret relationship. But one day.. he texted you that he wants to meet you, you were totally nervous, don't know what he want's to tell you.. is it about the dating ban? They want to debut soon as STRAY KIDS.. But as you meet him, it was worser. He hugged you tight.. with a sad face. You asked ,,Minho.. what's going on?" ,,I am done.. he kicked me out of the Group.. i am not going to Debut with Stray Kids..." he sobbed. You hugged him tight ,,I am so sorry babe.. i am really sorry.. Park Jinyoung is an idiot.. should i talk with him??" ,,What do you want to say? Hello i am Park Jimin's Sibling can you please give Minho another chance?" he said.

You looked at him with tears in your eyes ,,I am just so sorry.. you deserve to be in Stray Kids too.." ,,I know.. the other members feel like.. family to me.. it's so frustrating.. but it's okay, at least i have you my little sunshine" he kissed your forehead. You spend the whole day with Minho, trying to make him happy, and somehow.. he was happy to be with you and that was the most important. but only two weeks later Minho got a call from JYP as you were at the Cinema with him and he picked it up. He looked at you and said ,,I am sorry Y/n, that was JYP.. they want to meet me again.. i have to go sorry.. but stay here, watch the movie, i'll call you when i know more" ,,Okay babe.. i hope they are good news.. good luck!" you smiled and he kissed you for a goodbye. You watched the Movie alone, it was okay.

A few hours later Minho texted you "I am back in Stray Kids... i have another chance!! I am so happy Y/n..." you replied him, you were so happy for him, he deserves it! But that also means that you and him are spending less time together because of his busy schedule. It's been another weeks that feels like months but in the end, Minho made his Debut with Stray Kids. You talked with him alot about this and also about the Dating Ban....

You two broke up 2 weeks before his debut because of the Dating Ban, you don't want him to choose between you and his future so it was the best for you two. You support him and promised that you are there for him and when he is still in love with you, he can text you. That was what you told him.. It was not easy for you.. you miss him.. so much..

At least.. he is happy now, that's the most important.

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