Hyunjin x Christmas Tree

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You and Hyunjin bought a Christmas Tree on the Market and now you have to carry it through the whole City until your in your Apartment. It's been a loooooong walk, but finally after 1 hour you can see your Apartment. You cheered him up ,,Yasss, soon.. i can see our Apartment Hyunjin.. only a few.. meter.." ,,Yeah.. i can't wait until we are finally in the fuvking elevator" he sighed. You nodded, you both tried your best to arrive the building where your Apartment is in. You were about to go into the Elevator as one of your neighbors said ,,Oh, I'm sorry to hear that but we can't use the Elevator. Something happened a few minutes ago, they can repair it after Christmas" ,,What????" You and Hyunjin said and sat down on the ground. Hyunjin was dramatic as usually ,,I caaaan't do this.. Y/n, let's celebrate Christmas this year without a Tree okay..." ,,No! We carried it over 1 hour through the whole City, these few stairs are not going to end this here" ,,ahhhhhh whyyy whyyyyy" Hyunjin pouted.

You stood up and said ,,Come, now help me" ,,Do you know how many steps we have to go??" He asked and added ,,86!!!" ,,i know!! Just walk and shut up" you were really annoyed and your stresslevel was high as never. Step for step.. you came closer. Hyunjin whined ,,Ahhh we walked just 36 steps.. i can't no more, please, let me stay here.. i see the light... am I dead...?" ,,Not yet but i can help you!" You said and crossed your arms in front of him. Hyunjin pouted ,,I can't no more..." ,,Me too Hyunjin.. but we can't stay here.. just walk and stop thinking about something okay? We are already there" ,,Fine..." he faked his crying and tried his best to carry the huge christmas tree in your Appartment.

It's been around 30 minutes later and you finally arrived your apartment after one of your neighbors helped you. You and Hyunjin fell down on the sofa and tried to calm down. You both said ,,I am never ever going to buy a Christmas Tree"

You needed time to calm down and catch your breath. Over an hour later you placed the Christmas Tree in the livingroom, at the end of the sofa, you grabbed the whole christmas decorations from a box and placed them on a table. Hyunjin said ,,God.. i can't stand here now for decorating the tree.. babe.. can you do this alone?" ,,Fine.. but you have to put the lights on it okay?" ,,Yes, thank you" Hyunjin said and lay down on the sofa again. You decorated the tree and minutes later you said ,,Okay I'm done. I'm going to the Bathroom and have a shower, i put some candles and lights here, so please make it pretty okay?" ,,Okay babe, don't worry" he smiled and stood up.

While you took a shower you hear Hyunjin screaming.. you grabbed a Towel and runned to the Livingroom. You looked at him, then at the Christmas tree and back to Hyunjin and yelled ,,WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO????" ,,Uhm... I'm sorry okay! It's.. i don't know how this could happen!" He apologized. You can't believe it, you yelled ,,YOU BURNED THE FUVKING TREE?? HOW!?!?" ,, You said i should use the candles and.. uhm.. yeah.. the fire from the candle was on the tree in 1 mili seconds.. and then the Tree burned.. I'm glad that the water hose was close enough.. i mean almost the sofa burned!" He said nervously. You sighed, you don't have words for it. You just nodded ,,Fine. It's okay. We spend so much money for a Tree, carried him over an hour through the city, almost an hour the whole stairs into his apartment.. just for you to burn it down... I'm okay" you cried sarcastically.

Hyunjin came to you and hugged you ,, I'm sorry.. really.. I'm dumb. Uhm.. go and have a nice bath.. give me one hour and i fix that" ,,How do you want to fix that??" ,,Just give me one hour okay..." ,,Yeah okay.. i don't have any other options" you said and went to the Bathroom. You promised him to give him 1 hour. And it's incredible what can happen in 1 hour. Hyunjin called Chan and Changbin. Jisung came with a fake Christmas tree and the others cleaned the livingroom and throw away the burned Christmas Tree. After the one hour you came out, still a bit scared but your eyes met Hyunjin and the Tree. You smiled surprised ,,Hyunjin..." ,,I know, it's amazing right!?" He said as you came closer.

Yeah it was a fake tree but it looked so beautiful. You smiled and he hugged you ,,Merry Christmas my love"

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