Jisung x Ice Skating

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Your boyfriend Jisung knocked on your door ,,Y/n are you ready for our date??" ,,Yes Jisung I am.. how about you?" You laughed. He was so excited. You both are going Ice skating but you don't know it yet. You're both excited but.. Jisung knows how to show it better.

You get ready and went to Jisungs Car. He started his car and drive into the City. You asked him the whole time ,,Please tell me where are we going? Jisung pleeeease I'm so curious!!" ,,You will see it soon, wait 5 minutes" he said and smiled. He parked the car and helped you go out. He grabbed your hand and walked with you ,,Jisung what is it??" ,,Look" he said and now you looked in front of you. You smiled brightly ,,Ice Skating?? Omg I never did that!" ,,I know" he said and smiled.

You changed your shoes and before you went onto the ice you said ,,Okay.. I'm not the most balanced person.. and.. i bet I'm so horrible at ice skating.." ,,Hold my hand - i will help you" he smiled.

You slowly stepped ono the eyes and slowly moved while you hold on Jisung's arm. At first it was really worse but after a few rounds and 15 minutes later you loved it! You also skated without holding his hands, you feel so good. A few minutes later you hugged him ,,Thank you for that amazing date.. it's so amazing!" ,,I'm happy that you like it" he said and kissed you soft. You both are moving on, going a bit faster, you both are holding hands and then you slipped and hold onto Jisung's arm, he tried to help you not to fall but in the end - he fell and you fell on him.

You faced each other and he smirked ,,Uhm.. you're pretty stormy.. you should do this in our bedroom.. not here.. here are kids" you looked around and giggled ,,Sorry, I said I'm not that good-" he shut you off with a kiss.

You smiled at each other and slowly get up again. You skated for a few more minutes until you both went to the small store at the Ice skating place and ordered hot chocolate.

You walked until you sat down on a Bench. You both cuddled and enjoyed to watch the snow fall ,,Y/n? I love you, I really do and it was so amazing with you today.. what do you mean.. should we go ice skating the day after tomorrow?" ,,That would be nice! I love you too Jisung" you kissed each other and drink your hot chocolate.

Jisung smiled at you ,,If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you" ,,You're so sweet.." you hugged him and gave him multiple kisses on his cheeks.

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