Jisung x Stairs

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You and your longtime Jisung left the Apartment to go grocery shopping. You get out of the door first and stood on the first stair and Jisung came out with his Backpack, turned around to close the door and his backpack pushed you and you fell down the stairs, the whole 12 steps. Jisung looked at you and wanted to hold you but it was too late ,,Y/N!!" he screamed but you screamed ,,WOOAHSDHHHHHOHHH" and fell down until you lay on the ground. Jisung jumped after you and hold your head ,,OMG ARE YOU OKAY?? I AM SO SO SORRY!! I AM CALLING THE AMBULANCE!" you hold your back and said ,,It's okay.. It's not that bad Jisung.. just help me get up" you tried to get up but Jisung pushed you again ,,NO! I am calling the Ambulance!! .... Hello? Here is Han Jisung, my girlfriend/boyfriend fell down the stairs i need help. Yes.. okay here my GPS, thank you, please hurrry!!" he pouted.

He was really worried, he grabbed a bottle of water out of his bag and said ,,Here drink something, i hope you are okay" ,,Jisung i am really okay, i am feeling better now, just let us go" you whined. Jisung hold your head on his lap and patted your head ,,No darling, we wait.. i just want to be sure that you are okay" ,,Fine.." you mumbled. You waited for not longer than 5 minutes and the ambulance was there. 2 paramedic came to you and one of them said ,,Hello, you called us right?" ,,Yes! I am Han Jisung" Jisung said. The other paramedic took some stuff out from their bags and did a few tests ,,Can you stand up? Are you feeling dizzy?" ,,I am .. okay, it just hurt a bit.." you sobbed. After 10 minutes they did enough tests.

They said ,,You had luck, everything seems fine, all you get is a few bruise, if you feel dizzy later you can call us again, here are 2 pills you can take when the pain is too strong, it's better to stay in bed or sofa for today, tomorrow everything will be fine!" ,,Thank you so much" Jisung said and helped you to go back home. He placed you on the bed with cuddly blankets and said ,,Okay, no shopping today. I order food and we stay in bed today.. i am sorry for it Y/n, really.. i'll buy you an Album from your favorite artist okay?" ,,Deal" you smiled and he kissed you. So now it's a cuddly bedday with Jisung on your side.

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