Chapter Five : What the hell

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                             heyy Talzie here. This character Denver, has strong anger issues due to known reasons so don't judge him or comment mean comments about my handsome character. Love you readers! Happy reading..



What's this about?

What the hell

This place is shittier than I thought it would be and you do not want to know what I thought it would be. You know, right now back in NY I'd be training at the gym or the shooting practice room or whatever dad calls it. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm seeing students everywhere I look...laughing and shit. It ticks me off and I want to beat them all up. No, I didn't wake up on the wrong side of my bed. I'm just plain mean that's it, sorry not sorry. I think I might even be the oldest here with all these stupid kids. I'm nineteen for fuck's sake and I'm pretty sure most of these people are seventeen or some know typical senior class students.

Anyways, I hate to admit it but I'm kind of scared. I've never been in public school before and I'm not sure how to act. I only imagine that girl goes to this school too haha that will make killing her sooo easy for me and I promise to enjoy every bit of it. Too bad I don't know what she looks like but I will find out one way or another.

My phone rings and I pick up without checking the screen. "You better not touch that girl young man or you will regret this severely, that's a promise." The deep voice snarls. What the heck. Must be those fools trying to pull jokes on me. My gang friends always pull these stunts on me trying to make me think it's someone trying to kill me or some shit. "Levi I'm not up for your stupidity right now. I have things to attend to." I say tiredly and there is a silence on the other end of the line and I know he's bursted. I wait for him to laugh or something but...nothing. That's weird so I remove my  phone from my ear to check the caller id and it's an unknown number. Fuck What if they track my phone. I go to end the call but the other person speaks up again

"Ain't no Levi over here you punk. You better not touch that Seville girl if you want your life."

Woah wait....Seville? The girl I want to kill to avenge mom's death since I can't get to her parents without dad finding out?

"Who's threatening?" I ask with a calm voice trying to act unaffected. "You do not want to know kid, believe me." The deep voice says.

"So she's in my school too, huh?" I ask and laugh evilly. I don't hate this school too much after all. "Don't act like you didn't know."    "Actually, I didn't but thanks for informing me and making my work easier you senseless fool." I reply and end the call. Wow I feel like doing a victory dance already! This stupid unknown person thought I already knew so he called to give me empty threats. Haha thanks fool. Now I only need to know her class and other name then I can search for her and see her face and kill her. Jackpot.

I stroll into the school building a jovial man on the inside but with a tough exterior. I don't need friends or anyone. If anything I'm here to execute my duty towards mom and I can sort myself out from there...with or without dad's help. I'll be a peaceful man then. I find some random kid with spiky hair and tell him to lead me to the principal's office. There I get to know my classes and I mentally choose the ones I'll dodge. I mean,who attends chemistry. I know it's not me.

After everything, I head to my first class, Chemistry. I don't even know why I'm heading there but my legs have their own plans. I reach there just before the teacher and air myself at the very back of the class.

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