Herbology Tumble

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The next few weeks flew by as they were given a class schedule and times for meals. Within two days, Venus had hers memorized, as she realized most of her house mates did as well. Her Monday started with Charms, where they were taught proper pronunciation and proper wand movements with Professor Flitwick. Of course, as Ravenclaws, they learned very quickly so none of them ever really held the class behind after 2 or 3 times of trying. Then she had Herbology with Slytherin, where they learned about the magical plants and their traits. She walked into the large greenhouse in awe of all of the plants, walking up to one in particular. It's a Dittany, for healing. She thought, gently petting the surface of the leaf. I wonder if I can ask the Professor about caring for one. She questioned, feeling a hand on her shoulder, whipping around surprised.

"Hello again." Draco said to her as she watched his two friends move to the other side of the table.

"H-hi." She said quietly, playing with her necklace.

"I see we have a class together, are you looking at the Dittany? Lovely isn't it, heals flesh wounds with raw consumption. Nifty little plant." Venus nodded and played with the plant's leaves again.

They heard Professor Sprout start the class and moved towards the table.

"Morning class, today we'll be looking at this plant. Who can tell me what it's called...Ms. Snow?"

Venus' eyes snapped off of the plant and onto her Professor's as she realized she had been called on. "O-Oh, it's a Devil's Snare, it can strangle anything-'' She held her hand out, as the plant latched onto it tightly. "But it lets go when confronted with heat or fire. Incendio." She versed, flicking her wand, small flames bursting forth and making the plant retreat as Venus pet it's surface carefully.

"Very well done Ms. Snow! 5 points to Ravenclaw!" The teacher said happily, as she continued her lecture.

Venus exhaled and let go of her necklace which she was twirling around her finger nervously.

Once the class ended, they were dismissed for lunch. Venus hung back and got an enthusiastic response from her teacher about keeping a Dittany in her room. She even recommended other plants she could keep with her, with the headmaster's permission. Venus thanked her and told her she'd return when she had gotten permission.

Leaving the greenhouse she spotted a certain blonde looking like he was waiting for her. She clutched her bag nervously and shuffled up to him.

"Why do you look so nervous? I just want to walk you to lunch so you don't get lost." Draco said with a smirk.

Venus knew that he knew she knew how to get to the Great Hall but obviously wanted an excuse to walk with her so she obliged him.

"So Venus Snow, What do you do for fun?" He asked her casually.

Her eyes widened that he was actually trying to talk with her and quietly replied. "I read, and if it's snowing, ice skate."

"Huh, interesting. Are you that ice witch or something?" He joked, nudging her shoulder.

She shrugged and gave the boy a small laugh. As they walked through the large doorway to the Great Hall, she saw Willow wave her over beside another person and thanked the boy for walking with her as she went over to her friend.

"Who's that?" Willow asked her as Venus set her back down.

"Draco Malfoy, Slytherin. He offered to walk me so I didn't get lost."

"But you-"

"Already know my way around the school I know, but I let him. I'm sure he'll get bored eventually."

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