Hippogriff Healings

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"Hello Ms.Snow, how are you feeling?" Professor Lupin asked her.

"Professor, I- what happened?"

"You nearly froze the astronomy tower in whole, if it wasn't for a Slytherin Boy flying by that decided the proper action was to knock you out."

Venus looked at him with wide eyes and clutched her necklace tightly.

"I- I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to...I should go..." she said quickly, standing up.

"Ms.Snow. I have excused you for the rest of the day. Your friends were quite worried about you though. And this-" he left a chocolate bar on the table. "Is to help your recovery." He smiled at her kindly. "Take it easy, I know what you've been through kiddo."

"Thanks Professor."

"Of course. I knew your father back in the day, brilliant man, how is your mother?"

He was trying to change the topic.

"She's good Sir."

"Layla was always sweet and mischievous, and Copernicus is her perfect match. I'd always spot them reading together somewhere or in the library, the one passion they shared."

"Thank you Sir. If I may be honest...I wish I was more like my father. He always has a level head and has perfect control of his powers. And my mother has the most patience with me and my learning."

"Venus, you really are a perfect blend of them and control of your powers will come in due time. Why, when your father was younger he would freeze his soup in winter with every spoonful."

The girl laughed and held up her hand.

"He told me about that, that's why one of the first things he taught me was to not freeze my food."

She looked down at her skin, rubbing it harshly, like she was trying to warm herself.

"I-I thought I was getting better Sir. I got help my first year in controlling it, so why did I go crazy? Am I not working hard enough?"

The teacher looked at her kindly and gave her hand a reassuring pat.

"My young student, control over your magic will never always be possible. Why just this year did Harry potter himself cause his aunt to inflate like a balloon because of his anger towards her. Stress and fear will always be harsh emotions that are difficult to control. What I can suggest you do, is make more time for yourself in doing things you like. I know that you have a hard schedule this year, that may not give you a lot of free time, but try."

"What could I do?"

"Well I hear you do have a knack for the performing arts. Why not take up ballet? Or find time in your day to sing?"

"Sir, you know my mother so I assume you know my aunt?"

"Yes...I did know her."

"I have done ballet since I was little but stopped practicing the last few years."

"Did you like to dance?"

"I love dancing, don't get me wrong Sir, I just don't think I'm prepared to return to that specific kind of dance."

"I was speaking generally, you may choose any kind of dance or hobby you'd like, anything to help you relax is the goal. And if you'd allow me, I'd like to have private lessons with you to help you learn to control your gift."

"Thank you Sir! I'd appreciate that."

Venus was surprised when later that day she returned to the infirmary for her lessons with Madam Pomfrey she saw Draco on one of the cots with his arm in a sling.

"Venus! Thank Merlin, would you be a dear and tend to Mr.Malfoy, I need to speak with the headmaster. I can do a checkup on you later too."

"Of course Madam." she replied with a curtsey. Once the older woman left, she took off her bag and tied on a nurse's apron. She washed her hands in the wash bin and took out a clipboard from her bag.

"What happened?"

"Bloody Hippogriff attacked me."

"Hippogriffs don't attack unless they're provoked, Draco."

She cross referenced the clipboard at the foot of the boy's cot and scribbled in her own.

"Three talon scratches on your arm, down to the dermis, the dermis has been healed, epidermis waiting for treatment..."

The blonde listened to her talk to herself and write on her board. She put the board back on the foot of his bed and went to the cabinets of herbs, flicking her wand to open four of them and remove some plants.

"Dittany, goldenrod, lavender and some Mandrake leaves should be more than enough."

She floated her ingredients to a potion stand and began to mash and cut them up until they mixed together into a potion. She poured the substance into a goblet and gave it to the boy, who brought the cup up to his lips.

"No! Just hold it!" She cried before he drank it. "Idiot, it's a topical treatment."

She took out some gauze and removed his bandages, seeing the three gashes in his arm. She wet the cotton in the potion and placed the pieces carefully over the open cuts. The boy hissed at the feeling but bit his lip to keep from crying out.

After administering the treatment she wrapped his arm back up and took the empty goblet from the boy.

"You'll be fine in a few hours."

"Thank you Ice Princess."

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