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The ravenette made her way back to the Gryffindor common room, where students were now fearfully sitting in the common room.

"Ms.Snow, where have you been?! Your owl woke me up and brought me here, I heard Weasley scream and he tells me you were chasing after Sirius Black?!"

"I was studying for the Ancient Runes test tomorrow Professor, I was walking back to Ravenclaw Tower when I saw a man, who I didn't know, running through the halls and hiding behind corners. I sent Crystal to wake you as soon as I realized he was approaching Gryffindor common room. I followed him inside and chased him after he woke up Ron, I lost him at the moving staircases."

"Yes I always did hate those...Ms.Snow, you should not have done that, you should have left it to the teachers-"

"With all due respect ma'am, I believe I handled that responsibly. I did not alert Black of my whereabouts, alerted you accordingly, allowing you to get here faster. Yes I chased him, but if that was a chance to capture a murderer, who better than an Ice Witch to detain him?"

"I suppose you are right, but next time send your owl immediately to alert all staff."

"I hope there is not a next time, Professor."

"Venus! That was bloody amazing!" Dean cried, running up to her. "Did you see him? Did you see his face?! Ron said he has red eyes like the devil, does he?!"

"I didn't see his face." She said simply. She walked towards Harry and Ron, the redhead telling a thrilling story about the attack to some younger Gryffindor girls.

"He must've mistaken me for Harry, I mean i sleep with my wand under my pillow so I was prepared..."

Venus pulled aside the chosen one and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright Harry?"

"Fine Venus. You didn't catch him did you?"

The Ravenclaw shook her head solemnly.

"That's alright. We'll get him."

"We?" She cocked her head and crossed her arms. "Harry you are not going after that man."

The scarred boy pulled her away to behind one of the dormitory staircases and spoke in a hushed tone.

"He's the reason my parents are dead. He deserves to die."

Venus looked at him with an understanding, morbid expression but spoke stiffly.

"I understand Harry, but you are a third year boy, he's a serial killer. I'm not willing for you to take that chance, especially if he's after you."

"That's why I need your help."


He grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"You're a bloody ice witch! If anyone can help me get him it's you!"

"Harry...I will not agree to putting you, our friends or even myself in danger. If something like this happens again, the teachers or I can handle this, but don't go seeking to be killed, because you will get hurt."

And with that cautious warning, Venus walked away to the Ravenclaw tower to rest another few hours before classes. 

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