The Request Part 1

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February came and passed, Pansy Parkinson being given detention for the rest of the year made Venus and Willow's third year much more enjoyable.

Draco and Venus passed more and more time together, studying in the library or on one occasion she fell asleep in the boy's dorm room, waking up to neither him, Crabbe or Goyle sleeping in the same rooms but all asleep in the common room. It seemed from what she could pry out of Goyle that Draco would not let them sleep in the room because she was there as it was not proper. The Slytherin Head Boy had a joyous time waking them up and writing on their faces.

Months passed and soon finals season hit the third years and cram time hit for the Ravenclaw girl.

"I still don't understand how you were able to take so many classes Venus! And your passing them all!" Willow whined, smacking her head on her Divination book. "I still don't know how she reads the stars."

"Correction, she's top of her class in all of them." Ethan groaned a long side her. He was struggling in Herbology, rows and rows of plant books piled near his head.

"Come on guys! You can do this! Willow, look at the constellation connections and remember the meaning of each, like the zodiacs! Remember how Aries tend to be more bold? You can predict they tend to be riskier in choices. Ethan, the weeds are herbs, the flowers are for potions, except lavender and gilly weed."

"I will never underestimate how you memorized this all." The Gryffindor boy groaned.

"She's just too smart for you lot." Another voice chimed in. Venus smiled and whipped around , snowball hitting the blinds Slytherin in the face with the cold ice ball. "Oh no you didn't!" Draco cried, lunging towards the ravenette and tickling her sides. Madam Pince looked up from the shelf she was rearranging and smiled in the direction of the teens. She remembered how often Venus would be alone reading in the library and was happy she had friends. She was glad to be more relaxed around the student that had single handedly asked her for century old books and reorganized them in her spare time. She remembered the young girl's parents had been similar to their daughters' attitude, always curled up in a corner reading together.

She watched the Ravenclaw girl and Slytherin boy walk away together , leaving her friends to heed her advice in their studies.

"Bye Draco! See you tomorrow!" Venus called as she climbed up the spiral stairs of the Ravenclaw tower. When she opened the door she saw Harry Potter and Hermione Granger looking at her with fear and worry. A sense of urgency hit the girl like a wave and her eyes became daggers in focus.

"What's wrong!?"

"Venus! We need your help! Harry and I- we need you to freeze the Whomping Willow so we can go through a hole in the trunk."


"Please Venus!"

"Alright, Okay! Let's go!"

Venus created an I've slide down into the courtyard where the teens started sprinting towards the violent tree near the forest.

As they got closer they could hear screaming coming from the base of the tree.

"IS THAT RON?!" Venus cried, catching herself at the slope before the tree.


"Glacies operire lignum!" Venus touched the ground near the base of the tree as the branches swept up Harry and Hermione, whipping them around. The frost spread up the base of the tree and onto the branches chest, freezing them in place.

Harry and Hermione pries the wooden grip off them and ran into the hole at the base of the tree.

"Thanks Venus! Wait here!"

"Wait? What am I waiting for? Mione?!"

She called after them but they had already disappeared into the cave.

She plopped on the floor and put her cheek in her hand. "So much for studying Ancient Runes tonight."

To pass the time Venus lightly covered her finger in ice to draw on the grassy ground under her and practice her runes until she heard the sound of a struggle. Ron emerged from the ground and Venus quickly helped him up, noticing his injured leg.

"What happened?"

"Long story."

"Start talking while I take you to the infirmary."

The redhead explained everything to her as she half carried him to the infirmary doors. She left him at the door by himself to ensure her other friends were also safe. As she ran back to the Willow she heard a loud howl.

She walked towards the noise and around the base of the Willow, only to find a man on the ground. 

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