Blue Savior

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"Crystal, you made it! Oh thank you! I promise you'll get extra mice for a week!" Venus said, opening the case immediately to reveal a ukulele.

"As always you have great timing, I needed this."

She plucked a string and a nice clear sound came back.

"Still tuned I see."

After playing with a few different chords, Venus opened a small notebook and looked at a page with notes on it. She started to strum and sing, her small companion nodding its head to the tune.

"Down by the bay...Where the watermelon grow...back to my home...I dare not go, for if I do..." She kept playing until she felt all of her worries melt into the music and fade away.

She woke up the next morning and realized she would have to face her friends and the gossip now and dreaded every minute of it. Getting ready, she put on a long sleeved navy sweater over her school blouse, tucking her tie into it. She was never one for leaving without something warm. She tapped her shoulder for her owl to join her. She tied on a small string with a bell on her wrist and shook it, allowing the bird to land on her shoulder and perch.

Venus walked out of her dorm and was immediately confronted with Ravenclaw's whispering and murmuring behind her. Oh well. I tried. She thought, sighing and gripping her necklace.

She walked through the halls, avoided all eye contact, gripping her bag and necklace tightly in each hand. Walking through the doors to the Great Hall, a silence hit the room and she quickly sat down at the edge of a blue table. She jingled her bracelet and tapped the table, Crystal flying off her shoulder and onto the table gracefully. She grabbed a muffin from the table and bit into it gently. She heard footsteps approach her and looked up to meet the faces of what she hoped would still be her friends.

"Hey Venus." Ethan started, nudging Willow for her to continue.

"We wanted you to know that we don't care if the whole school thinks you're a mean crazy ice witch, your our friend and we care about you and screw those people because they don't know how awesome you are and they just assume your a crazy weird-"

"Wills." Ethan butt in.

"Oh right, we're still your friends and you are stuck with us now."

Venus looked at the two with a confused look and smiled, making the two smile back.

"Thanks guys. I hope you understand why I didn't want to say anything. Obviously, this has happened before to me and I really didn't want to repeat it...but here we are so, that means a lot. Thanks."

"Well now you'll never have to go through that again! You have us!" Willow said, hugging the girl tightly, who after getting over the shock that she was being hugged, reciprocated. Ethan joined in as well, wrapping his arms around the two girls who laughed as he squished them together.

"I should also mention I've never really had friends I'm not used to this." Venus muffled out from the embrace.

"This is normal." The two reassured her, letting go for her to breathe and sitting down.

"Is that your owl?" Ethan asked her, motioning to the blue bird on the table.

"Yep, this is Crystal."

"How is she that color?" Willow asked, looking at her.

"She was a snowy owl but when I was younger I turned her blue with a spell and it took a year to figure out how to change her back but after I did she was already happy with the blue, so now she's blue." Venus explained, taking another bite of her muffin.

That's a pretty unique owl you got!" Draco yelled from the Slytherin table, making Pansy scoff. Venus smiled and jingled the bell on her wrist again and snapped her fingers, pointing to the boy. The owl gracefully flew onto the boy's shoulder and took a bite from his scone. She laughed at the boy's face as the owl flew back to her and perched on her outstretched arm gracefully.

"She says thank you." Venus replied.

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