Icy Personality

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"SNAPE SAID WHAT!" Venus cried angrily as Hermione sobbed in Willow's arms, Ginny soothingly rubbing her back. Professor Snape had taken over DADA for the day due to Professor Lupin feeling ill and had said some less than kind things to Hermione. On top of that he had reviewed werewolves, whereas they were supposed to continue their lessons on Hinkypunks and Redcaps and made them out to be monsters. She knew from her mother, who worked at St.Mungos, that werewolves we're nothing more than a common person with a disease they could not control. She found it discriminatory and criminal that the ministry put laws on the people bitten and make them out to be hazardous and dangerous.

"Oh I wish he wasn't a teacher! I would freeze him into a snowman!" She threatened angrily. She stomped around angrily yelling until she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Pansy.

"Oi Bitch, stop your incessant yelling, that Mudblood deserved it, she is a know-it-all."

"Oh no-" Willow cursed as the already angry girl's eyes flared.

"What. Did. You. Say." Venus threatened, her eyes glitching white and white roots spreading atop her head. She took a step towards the pin faced girl and exhaled sharply in her face, a cold smoke of air leaving her mouth. "Get away now before I make you an ice statue."

Pansy turned tail and started running, leaving Venus angry and standing still. Hermione went to approach her but Willow held her and Ginny back.

"Don't." The brunette said, explaining. "She gets below freezing, if you touch her you'll get frostbite."

Venus clutched her head as it filled with pain, her body was cold and rigid, her body temperature was falling lower and lower. Her attempts to take deep breaths and lower her heart rate were starting to be ineffective as the air in her lungs began to tighten.

"Willow! I can't! Get Lupin!" She cried, creating a frost on the ground. Willow quickly nodded and started sprinting towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts room.

Draco was walking with Crab and Goyle when he saw Venus in the center of the courtyard, students backing away from her as she cried and clutched her head. There was a thin sheet of ice spreading across the grass and engulfing the perimeter around her.

"Venus!" He cried, running towards her. The girl looked up at him with white tear filled eyes and screamed from the pain in her body. Professor Lupin quickly appeared with Willow, he quickly said a heat spell and Venus collapsed from the drastic change in temperature. Without a second thought, Draco ran up to the unconscious girl and went to pick her up, only to be pulled back by the teacher.

"I wouldn't my boy, she can't control her powers right now, and she's too cold to touch. Wingardium Leviosa." An unconscious Venus levitated from the ground.

"What happened?" The blonde asked Willow, following her and his teacher by the heel.

"She got too mad..." Willow said quietly.

"Did someone hurt her?" He replied immediately enraged.

"N-not exactly... I'll make sure she's ok, don't worry Draco." She reassured him and he nodded as she ran off.

After her outburst of anger that day, people seemed to be more frightened by the Ravenclaw girl as ever. Hallways would clear for her and ostracization in her classes would make her sit alone. Even Professor Snape felt bad for her, allowing her to work with her friends whenever he could. Gryffindors would dare each other to walk near her, Hufflepuffs ran in fear, and other Ravenclaws would make sure there was an empty space for the girl to sit isolated in the common room and library. People were surprised that Slytherins wouldn't partake in the fear driven bullying like the other houses, they would simply ignore the girl, or on occasion be partial to working with her in a class. It was times like these Venus was glad she shared most of her schedule with Hermione. She had debated as a moment to use her time turner to change the outcome of her outburst, but had decided it would be selfish and illegal to do such a thing.

With all of her classes and extra lessons though, more people around her was not a thing she really cared for. Her close friends were there when she needed them and that's what she cared about. Throwing herself into self-improvement had lifted her spirits enough for her to trust herself with using her magic again. While her practice ate up most of her time she did make time to see her best friend's first quidditch game against Slytherin.

Venus watched the match intently as Draco sped around for the snitch, the Hufflepuff Seeker close behind. She cheered on Willow who had made the team that year as a chaser and continued to spot the skies for the snitch. Willow scored with a quaffle and Venus cheered loudly with the other Hufflepuffs. Then she saw it, the snitch was hovering near the barricades under the stadium. She watched as it flew up into the air and zipped around the Hufflepuff seeker who chased it relentlessly. A strike of green flew into the air as Draco headed towards the golden ball in pursuit as it evaded the other seekers' grasp. The Slytherin Team cheered as the blonde grasped the small ball in his hand and held it up in triumph. Venus smiled and whipped around, going down the staircase beside her to go comfort Willow. The last of the girl Draco saw was her black hair descending the stairs as he was tackled by his teammates midair. He would occasionally see the girl alone in the library with her piles of homework and stacks of book, wondering how she didn't break her back carrying it all. But every time he tried to approach her, she would disappear and return through the entrance again a few minutes later. 

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