Spooky Season

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With the day before causing a lot of stress, Venus was overwhelmed. But she found joy in the holiday that had dawned that day. Willow has confided in her that she loved to sew and design clothing, so both girls had spent free time within their weeks to plan costumes for the holiday. Like Muggles did.

"Boo!" Willow cried, jumping up from behind the wall to scare Ethan who took a step back and raised his book. The brunette laughed at the boy's half hearted sheet ghost costume. She was in a cape with fangs as a vampire, her front curls slicked back.

"Where's Venus?" Ethan asked as they sat down at a table.

"She's almost done getting ready. She said she needed a moment to finish her makeup." Willow replied, taking a bite of a spider cookie.

The Great Hall quickly filled up with some other students dressing up or doing fun makeup for the occasion. Venus quickly ran in and joined her friends, drawing the attention of some with her outfit. She was in a black top and skirt with her top being a little wider with a hood. She had chunky black boots on and her head was hidden with the ragged hood.

"Willow! Ethan!" she called.

"Venus! There you are girl! Let me see how it looks!" the designer insisted, walking around her friend and having her twirl.

"I'm a bat." she said, holding out her arms to show off her black wings to Ethan. "Willow made it all, I just helped with the small details.

"Oh Please girl, you ordered all the fabric and helped me with the shaping, we did this together."

The two girls hugged and sat down to enjoy their Halloween feast with Ethan.

"Are you going to sing again?" Ethan asked Venus as he cleaned up a soup stain on the whte sheet over his face.

"No, not this time, it didn't seem appropriate after what happened yesterday."

"Aww, but I love when you sing." Willow commented sadly. "Can you sing for us?"

Venus choked on her pumpkin juice. "Right now?"

"Well, yeah."

"Like RIGHT now?!"

"Girl you got this!"

Venus looked at her two friends and sighed as their pleading faces broke her down. Willow cheered.

"I need a beat." She said, looking to the dirty blonde boy who obliged his friend, tapping on the table rhythmically.

"I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows

For my mind to run around, with my ear up to the ground

I'm searching to behold the stories that are told

When my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned..."

Ethan stopped tapping on the table as she hit the chorus.

"Tell you you're the greatest

But once you turn, they hate us..."

Venus slammed her hands on the table and stood up, throwing her arms open as she sang. Ethan chimed in, hitting the table and clapping his hands to the rhythm of her voice.

"Oh, the misery

Everybody wants to be my enemy

Spare the sympathy

Everybody wants to be my enemy-y-y-y-y..." she drew out the last syllable and looked around bashfully as eyes had now turned to her in her minute of confidence.

"My enemy-y-y-y-y...but I'm ready." She finished, sitting back down quickly and nodding appreciatively towards the claps that echoed around the Hall.

Willow and Ethan cheered, hugging their friend as she hid her face in her bat cloak, embarrassed. The girl rose her head for a moment to look at the Slytherin table where Draco Malfoy was sitting, and couldn't take his eyes off her. She quickly whipped her head back and pinched Willow's arm for her to confirm.

"Ow what-"

"Is he still looking?"

"Is who- OH." she quickly changed her position and took out a compact she kept in her bag. She opened it and pretended to check her brunette curls in the reflection. "He hasn't even blinked girl- oop he even spilled some pumpkin juice on his robes I see."

Venus giggled. She and her friends spent the rest of the night talking about muggle horror movies and creatures that were so spooky they seemed fake, but to them, they were real. 

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