Chapter 1

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:It's officially my first day of school

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:
It's officially my first day of school. I'm mostly excited, but a little nervous. It's like there's a zoo inside of me. I have butterflies going crazy, ants running up and down my leg, and a frog stuck in my throat.

My mom and dad are constantly reassuring me that I won't get bullied again, things are different now, and everyone's mature. I trust them, but you never know. If anything does go wrong, then I have Kacchan to protect me.

I was in my bathroom changing into my new school uniform and examining myself. It fits me perfectly, but it felt weird to see myself like this. I never thought I'd see myself in a U.A. uniform, but here we are.

I run my hands against my bottoms to get rid of my wrinkles. My throat feels as if it's closing, so I readjust my tie for the 50th time.  

I brush my hair and try to decide what hairstyle I should do. After a few minutes, I settle on a half up half down bun with a few framing hairs out.

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Once we arrive at the school my parents make me and Kacchan take a picture together in front of the school. "Say cheese." My mother spoke such joy.

Kacchan snarls and seems displeased. I, on the other hand, gladly pose for the photo by jumping onto Kacchans back. He yells out and tries to get me off of him, while I throw my hands up and yell, "Cheese!" I don't even remember the last time me and him took first day of school photos.

"Got it!" My mother holds up a thumbs up.

"Aww, my babies are finally in school together again." My fathers eyes are filled with tears that he's trying oh so hard to keep back.

I pop off of Kacchans back before he has the chance to throw me to the ground.

"Never do that again. Now let's go." He walks into the build.

I wave goodbye to my parents, and they blow air kisses to me. I run after my brother as he walks pretty damn fast.

"Woah." I'm jaw dropped from the beautiful interior of the school. It's nothing like I expected. I silently analyze the school as Kacchan lead me to our homeroom.

We stop in front of a huge door with "2-A" written on it.

"This is it." He opens the door and presented in front of us is a range of students all having their own conversations.

A group of a few students were very deep into conversation when a pink girl yells, "Guys, look it's Bakugou!"


"Explosion boy!"


She's followed by three boys. One with spiked red hair and matching eyes. One with electric yellow hair and a black thunderbolt highlight. The last one with oddly shaped elbows, pitch-black hair, and a tan.

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