Chapter 17

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Bakugou Katsumi POV: After a few second of silence, he opens the door

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:
After a few second of silence, he opens the door. His eyes hung low, knowing what's next to come. He kept his hand the door frame and the other on the doorknob. He felt so guilty.

"You never even apologize to Izukun or to me." I spat out. I couldn't wait any longer for him to say something. My hands became fist, when we were younger we typically fought things out. My plan right now is to talk, but I'll keep these here just in case. He'd have to be stupid to try to fight me.

He took a sharp inhale. "Katsumi, I'm, uh-..." Kastuki stumbled over his words. He's never had to seriously apologize before. Only over dumb things, but this... this is more serious than anything. This was his hurt sibling.

"Go ahead." I paused. " Apologize." I spoke bluntly. The longer I looked at him the more I felt disgusted.

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"And then I told him 'You only feel guilty because you got caught. Enough with this sad boy act.'" I shrugged my shoulders before I sipped my mango smoothie.

It was lunch time. My now favorite time of day. Spending time with Izukun is so much fun! We never got to hang out before because... well you guys know. Anyways, we've been talking all day, and it's been amazing.

"Wow, Katsan. I really appreciate you talking to your bother for me, but I think y'all should be in good terms again. You both love each other a lot." Izuku said softly before staring off into his barely eaten miso soup. He felt really bad about splitting us up. He knew how close me and my brother are. How could he do something so selfishly as break up a pair of twins he thought. He blamed himself entirely for everything.

"Soon. Right now he's need to feel sorry." I said frank. It's true. Katsuki did terrible things. You know that your sibling left home due to bullying so you go and bully a childhood friend? Like what the hell! He's a fucking asshole. Yeah! He's a fucking asshole!

It's crazy how me and Izukun were feeling two different things in this current moment. I was enraged and he was sorrowful.

"You what Izuku? We should skip the rest of the day to talk more." I perked up. I think this idea is great! We deserve this!

Izuku thought this idea was terrible. He just skipped class yesterday with the whole incident. He thought we should just hang out after school, but he couldn't tell me that. "Perfect. Let's go now." He replied. If I knew he felt this way, I would've hung out with him

He took my hand and pulled me through the cafeteria. I felt my cheeks burn from the physical contact. It made me forget all about the rest of my delicious mango smoothie.

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We sat on the main couch that is placed in the common area of the dormitory. Yeah, it was a bit risky to be here during the school day, but all the administrators should be teaching at this time.

It was quiet. You could hear a mouse scurry across the floor. "I want to get to know you better. Tell me something you've never told anyone." I asked to break the ice.

"Lemme think..." He tapped his index finger against his bottom lip— light bulb. "Are you sure? It's pretty embarrassing." He seemed kind of excited to tell me, but a hint of nervousness was in tone.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't judge."

"Alrighty." He licked his lips. "I read and write All Might fanfic on Wattpad and AO3."

I took a quick inhale in from my nostrils. "Oh." I was completely speechless, but I needed to think of some sort of a response. "That's cool." I patted his knee.

His cheeks burned bright red and little balls of sweat covered his face. He slightly shook his head and said, "You think it's weird." His voiced cracked.

"No, no, of course not." I waved my hands in front of me profusely.

He covered his head with jacket. I didn't know this, but he was internally screaming. He has never felt such discomfort and humiliation.

"I still suck my thumb."

He popped his head out. "Really? That's embarrassing" He teased me.

"Oh shut up." I nudged his shoulder and jokingly rolled my eyes. "So tell me more about your fanfics. Are you popular? Do you have any online friends?"

"I'm not too popular, just 200 followers."

"Ouu, maybe I'll read one sometime." I teased. I would actually read one if he wanted me to. Who knows, maybe I'll get into fanfic myself.

"Amazing!" He squealed with excited. "I don't have anyone online friends, but there is one person who reads ALL of my stories. Their username is 'king.exp1osion.boom', and I would love to be their friend."

My lips twitch as I try to keep a straight when I mutter "king.exp1osion.boom" under my breath, but instead I start to uncontrollably laugh.

"What? What so funny?"

"N-nothing." I laugh through my statement. "Do they write stories, too?"

"Yeah, they have a few."

I chuckle even harder. "S-stop, it hurts-s." I hold my stomach from the pain of laughter.

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