Chapter 16

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Bakugou Katsumi POV: "Izkun! Izukun!" I yell with my hands on the sides of my mouth through the halls following the path he took

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:
"Izkun! Izukun!" I yell with my hands on the sides of my mouth through the halls following the path he took. The sound of calls echo throughout the empty building. "Izkun, ple-ase!" My voice cracks while I beg.

As I run past the elevators, I notice it was reaching the top floor— the roof.


I rapidly tap the up arrow button and try to catch my breath. I nervously look up which floor the elevator is currently on through its descend down.

Ding Ding

The doors slowly open up as if they want to work against me. I rush in. I need to hurry before Izukun makes any rash decisions. This can't be his end, he has so much potential. I go back to my rapid button pushing.

'Hurry, hurry!'

Ding Ding

In a panic, I look around for my favorite green-haired boy. My eyes scan all over the roof until I see him sitting at the edge of the building with his legs dangling off. "Izukun!"

His eyes slowly meet with mine. "Mm?" That was all he could be bothered to say. He looked confused as to how I knew he was here.

My legs move completely on their own. I bolt to him and pin him down. A crash could be heard as our bodies collide. "Do not do anything drastic!" I yell in his face.

He looks puzzled. "What're you talking about?! Get off of me Katsan!" Pure confusion was laced in his soft voice. He made no attempt to push me off though. You could tell that he desperately wanted an explanation as to what was happening.

The birds chirp their sweet songs now as they fly above us.

"You weren't going to take a swan dive off the roof?" I question him while still pinning him down.

"No." He let out a small laugh. Gosh, his laughter is like music to my ears. A slight blush emerged onto his cheeks and ears. "I came here to clear my head, silly." He continued to chuckle through his statement.


'I certainly do feel silly.'


"Well, this is awkward." I say while looking everywhere but his eyes. How could I look him in the eye after something as embarrassing as this?

His smile was radiant and sparkled. "Thanks for trying to potentially trying to save my life though, very appreciated." He said jokingly and patted me on the back. The pats felt a bit rough but I'm sure he didn't mean it like that.

"Of course." I paused. "Anything for my favorite boy." I take a deep breath, smelling the fresh air. A slight breeze passes by causing my hair to flow.

I look out in the distance at a near by park as I hear the bell ring. Neither of us even flinched at the sound of it. It felt like nothing was real, only the sound of children laughing and yelling. Some ran around, some climbed on the jungle gym.

I miss being a kid and playing with Izukun. Everything was so simple back then. All that mattered was who got to hide in the game "hide and seek", and which flavor fruit roll up we got. Tropical tie dye is the best in my unbiased opinion.

"I like to think that souls don't meet on accident. It makes me that glad we're talking." I hesitated to look at him, but once I did I could see the regret in his eyes. He bit his lip, trying to hold back everything. I placed my hand upon his jaw and shifted his face towards mine. I took his hand into mine, and said, "It's ok now."

"Well, yeah there's nothing holding me back from the truth, now..." He cleared his throat and licked his lips. "...Kacchan's been bullying me for a long time now."

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We pretty much spent the rest of the school day talking on top of the roof. He went into grave detail about every single thing my brother did to him.

I just couldn't believe it. My brother out of all people? I wanted to punch him for acting like a doofus; smack him across the head, like our mom does; yell at him for hurting someone when he's supposed to be a hero; scream at the top of my lungs for being related to him; and do nothing all at once.

I decided that I need to confront him. I made my way to his dorm.

Knock Knock

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A/N: i missed writing but still on hiatus
i might write a random chapter that adds nothing to the actual story

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