Chapter 4

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:Me and Kacchan go towards our dad's car as it was finally the end of the school day

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:
Me and Kacchan go towards our dad's car as it was finally the end of the school day. Inside, waiting were both of our loving parents. Our mother excitedly waves hello to us from the passenger seat.

I match her energy by greeting her with a bright grin and joyfully skipping to the vehicle. My brat of a brother just glared at her.

"How was your first day, kiddos?" My father asks as we buckle up.

Kacchan looks out the window and watches the passersby and people driving away. "Fine."

"It went well." I tap against my knees, thinking about everything I learned. Today was pretty good, a lot better than I expected.

"That's good to hear." My father pulls out and drives off into the main street. "What would you kids like for dinner tonight?"

"Don't care as long as it's spicy." Katsuki spoke flatly.

"I want pasta!" Katsukis noodles from early looked so delicious that I've been craving carbs nonstop.

Thinking about my future meal, I lick my lips. Only to find that they were chapped and dry. I remembered that my bag contains a tube of Burt's Bees lip balm in pomegranate flavoring, a personal favorite of mine.

"Pasta it is!" My mother voices and searches for spicy pasta recipes on her cellar device.

My father gently stops at a red light. "I know it's only Monday, but start packing up your things. Saturday is the perfect day to move into the dormitory." We continue our drive.

Plugging in my AirPods Pro with the noise cancellation in effect, I drown out my family's conversation with the relaxing sound of rain.

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It was the next morning, when Mr. Aizawa set down his chalk against the little ledge at the bottom of the chalkboard. He turned around with his eyes dead set on one person. "Sero quit talking to everyone around you. I'm trying to teach." Mr. Aizawa sighed. "I have a better idea. Katsumi, Sero, switch seats. I don't want to deal with disrespectful behavior this school year." He resumed his teaching.

I swung my backpack onto one of my shoulders for the short walk. I passed Sero, and I heard him mumbling curse words under his breath.

As I sit down in my new seat, I'm greeted by both of my shoulder partners— Midoriya Izuku and Kirishima Eijiro.

Kirishima was much more excited than Izukun. Izukun seemed nervous to be anywhere near me.

I ignored his strange behavior and finished taking down my notes. Now it's time for our next class, English. Right on cue, Present Mic entered our classroom.

I let out a high-pitched squeal. "Oh my goodness!" I tried to contain myself, but I couldn't help it. "It's the Voice Hero: Present Mic. How cool! I listen to his radio show every day of the week. It's so crazy that all the U.A. teachers are pro-he-"

"Katsumi, will you shut it?" Kacchan snapped at me.

I furrowed my brows at him. "Next time you need someone to record you in your little All Might cosplay you better go ask mom." I crossed my arms and huffed.

"Woah, Bakubro, you're into cosplaying?" Kirishima asked.

"Katsumi!" Kacchan yelled with a red face. He was embarrassed by me exposing his little secret to the class. "I'm going to murder you."

"I dare you." I secretly stick up the middle finger, so only Kacchan can see it.

"ALLLRIGHT CLASS! LETS SETTLE DOWN, SHALL WE?" Present Mic politely asked with a nervous chuckle. He walked over to my desk. "And whooo are you?"

"I'm Bakugou Katsumi, call me Katsumi." I stuck my hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you."

"RADICAL TO MEET CHA'!" He over excitedly shook my hand. He leaned close to ask, "Is Bakugou your brother, by any chance?!"



We laughed together, and he began teaching. Today he wants us to write a three-body paragraph on our favorite hero, something easy for our first assignment.

I finished in about twenty minutes. I sit and wait for someone to turn in theirs first. Being the first one to turn in an assignment is embarrassing for no reason.

I hear a pencil slightly slam against the desk next to me; Izukun was all done. He stood up to give his paper to Present Mic, and I followed behind.

Once I sat back in my seat, I pulled out another sheet of paper. I quickly jotted down a short sentence and passed it to the green-haired boy next to me.

who'd you write about?

i'm sincerely so sorry and i don't know how to say this but i can't talk to you

huh? why not? that's kinda mean :(

it's a long story but it's best not to explain

well you're not "talking" to me. you're writing to me

i guess you're right
well then i wrote abt all might

i should've known

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