Chapter 13

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:Poor Izukun

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:
Poor Izukun. His left eye was swollen to the point where his eye could barely open. How could I have not noticed this? I wonder what happened to him. "How'd this happen?"

He stayed quiet and bit his lower lip. His good eye shifted to the left side looking for an answer. "I-I ran into another doorknob."

I put his attention back on me by gently smushing his cheeks together with my hand and gently shaking his face. "Really now?"

"Mhm, scouts honor." He spoke through his fish lips that looked oh-so-adorable.

'Is is he being serious?!'

The grip I had on his face became tighter as my blood boiled. He squeezed his eyes shut while quietly wincing in pain and softly asking me to let go of him.

"YOU WERE NEVER A BOY SCOUT!" All I could see was red. I harshly throw his face back and he stumbles to catch his balance. "How could you lie to me?"

He held his hands out in front of chest to try and calm me down. "Katsan, trust me when I say its better if you don't know the truth." His body began to lightly shake.

"You want me to trust you after you lied to my face?!" I flung my arms up out of rage. "And here I was thinking you were sick and needed to be taken care of." My hands ran through my hair.

"Please relax. We shouldn't disturb the others in the dormitory." He spoke in a hushed tone. He stepped to the side, motioning for me to come inside his room.

I sighed and slowly closed my eyes. I placed my index and middle finger on the temples of head and softly massaged them.

I hate getting angry.

"No..." I slowly shook my head and opened my eyes. "Goodbye, Izukun." I held my head up high as I walked away from the green-haired boy.

He dropped the plastic bag and all of its contents spilled out on the floor, "Katsan, wait." He reached out for my arm but missed my grasp.

I whipped my head around to say one last thing. "It's Bakugou to you." It hurts to utter these words, but it's what must be done. There is no valid reason for him to lie to me, especially if the reason is physically hurting him.

"Katsan, please come back, please!" He called out for me. As much as I wanted to cave and forget about this, I can't have people that I do not trust in my life. He should've known better.

I clenched my fist to distract myself from the little oceans in my eyes, with that I strutted away hearing him call out my name. I sniffled and rubbed my nose, wishing none of this was real. I cant believe I've lost another person.

══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══

About a week and a half later Midoriya came back to school. Let's just say the tension in the air was so thick you could slice it in half.

He sat at his desk next to me, as per usual. He rested his backpack on the back of his seat and scrambled around looking for something. Once he found it, he let out a sigh of relieved. His hand held a small folded piece of notebook paper in his hand, I could only assume it to be another one of his love letters...

During his time off from school he slid a love letter under my door every night at the exact time I got into bed, ready to sleep.

At first, I was annoyed by them. What kind of guy lies to me then writes me daily love letters?!

But by the end of it, I found them to be pretty sweet. I'm sure he had a good reason to fabricate the truth. I mean he is Midoriya Izuku after all, a kind-hearted young man and soon be pro-hero.

I know it sounds weird, but I think I started to develop feelings for him. His words put a trance on me; All I wanted to do was go to his dorm and ask him, "Why?"

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