Chapter 9

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:I lay in bed, while my thoughts consume me

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:
I lay in bed, while my thoughts consume me. I can't focus on whether or not I like Izukun.

I feel like I'm in a slump that I can't break free from. Thoughts of when I was bullied flood my mind all the damn time. I just want to be happy, but nothing makes me that way anymore.

I try not to think about it, but alas I failed.

Typically when I'm sad I paint or maybe draw. It was a way to let off steam or escape from reality. I mean even when I wasn't sad, I would be painting. Paintings my thing.

The one thing I was most passionate about has become a burden to do or even consider working on. I crave the way painting used to make me feel. I stare at the paintings on my wall and art easel reminiscent of happier times, times that no longer exist.

Now, I have nothing. Nothing can set me free.


I drag myself out of bed and pick up my sketchbook. I skim my fingers against the thick paper. I sit at my desk and think,

'What should I draw?'

All that can come to mind is Izukun's effulgent green eyes and his contagious smile.

Is it weird to draw him?

No, no we are friends. This will be a gift for him. Friends can do nice things for each other.

I lift my pencil and start outlining where I want everything to be. I plan on drawing Izukun laughing with a red butterfly on his nose. Something that could show off his smile, eyes, and all of his captivating facial features. The red butterfly will secretly represent me. People always say my most noticeable feature are my crimson eyes.

'You'll never be as good as your brother.'

'You're nothing!'

Old taunts from bullies fill my brain. I try to push them away, but I can't. My hand shakes as I try to simply draw a line. "I am good enough!" I say out loud. The tip of my pencil snaps from me unknowingly putting a mass amount of pressure.

'You're a quirkless loser.'

'Just give up on life.'

'No one even likes you.'

'Why are you here?!'

"Leave me alone!" I throw my sketchbook to the floor. I stand for to make a run to my bed. Instead, my vision blurs and I collapse onto the ground.

'You gonna cry?'

'Go die! Nobody would even care.'

"No one would care. Why am I still here?" I curl myself into a ball and weep. I can't handle this. This pain is insufferable.

"Katsumi! Are you ok?" A raspy voice yells outside of my door. "I heard a lot of noise coming from over here."

I stay quiet knowing exactly who it is. I don't want anyone to bother me. I continue to softly cry and hope he leaves.

"If you don't open up I'm going to break the damn door down!" He begins banging against my door.

'Just go away.'

"KATSUMI!" I flinch as the banging gets louder.

"I'm coming." I say in a soft voice. I use all of my willpower to get up. My head is still spinning, but I managed to open the door. I lean against my doorframe for support. I keep my eyes on the ground, I don't have it in me to look him in the eye. "Yes, Kacchan?" I tuck wet pieces of hair behind my ears and sniffle.

"What happened?" He inspects my face by lifting my chin. "Were you crying?" He wipes his drenched hand over his gray sweatpants.


"I'm perfectly fine." In an attempt to close my door, I slightly stumble and lose my balance. I thought I was going to land on the hard floor, but Kacchan caught me.

He always saves me.

He gently places me in bed and settles next to me. He grabs the covers and wraps me up. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

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