Chapter 10

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:"Thank you for listening

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:
"Thank you for listening." I hugged my brother. "And I'm sorry for keeping you up so late."

He reluctantly wrapped his arms around me. "Of course, you know that I'll always be here for your dumbass." He let out an exhausted sigh. It wasn't a sigh from sleepiness, but more from being emotional drained. Emotion aren't much of his thing, so stay up late dealing with them was a lot.

I chuckled at him. I appreciate moments like these. Not everyone gets to see this soft side of him. Not everyone gets to see him be such an amazing big brother. Not everyone gets to see the real him.

I gently swayed before pulling away from our embrace. Whenever it comes to our hugs, he never let's go first, I'm always the one to stop our interaction. I was never sure of the exact reason why he did this, but I always thought it could be because he doesn't receive much physical affection, so whenever he does, he tries to get the most he can.

"Alrighty, it's time for you to go to sleep." I patted his back, but he stayed in my bed. I ended up pushing him all the way to my front door as he tried to not leave.

"Katsumi, are you going to be ok?" He turned around before I pushed through the door. He was really worried for me. I could tell by his facial expression. Having to deal with a sibling who gets bullied must be real stress-worthy.

"I'll be fine, especially since my hero is right next door."

He gave me a weak smirk before finally leaving.

I laid my back against the door, thinking about tonight's events. Slowly sliding down the door, I stare at my unfinished room. I need to pick up my mess and finish putting my stuff away. It's only 3 boxes. 3 boxes shouldn't take too long.

After an hour or so of decorating, I got a bit peckish. I didn't really know the rules of the dormitory, like if there was a curfew or if after a certain hour we weren't allowed to leave our rooms.

I thought I could sleep it off, but my hunger got the best of me. I slipped on a pair of slippers and made my move. I discreetly walked to the kitchen.

I found a figure in the dark being slightly illuminated by the light from the microwave. They were behind the counter, so I could only see them from the waist up. It was hard to make out who it.

I stood there frozen. Should I say something or turn the light on? I don't want to scare them, but I'm also pretty nosy.

As I flicked the light, I saw him— Izukun holding a instant pizza.

When he came around the corner, two things happened concurrently: While he noticed me standing there, his jaw dropped and his eyes grew in horror.

I saw that he was completely naked except for a pair of All Might socks. He tried to run away out of embarrassment but ended up running in place due to the tile floor of the kitchen.

He ended up, slipping and falling onto the cold, hard floor. The worst part is that he dropped his hot pizza onto himself and a bit of the floor.

The right to do in that situation was to make sure that he was ok, but instead, I ran back to my room and died of laughter. I feel terrible, I should've helped. Poor, Izukun.

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Midoriya Izuku POV:

I haven't heard from Katsan since I gave them my confession letter, and I haven't seen from them since the 'incident'. I rather not speak about that embarrassing moment.

All weekend Katsan has been on my mind. It's been driving me crazy not knowing how they feel about me. Although, it is kind of my fault. I dropped a load on them and left like it was nothing. Who does that? Only a dummy like me.

This morning when I woke they were the first thing I thought of. I miss the sound of their voice.

On my walk to school, I couldn't help but think.

'Maybe I should talk to Katsan regardless of what Kacchan wants? There would be a good chance he'd kill me, more than a good chance actually. He threatened if I talk to them again, I'll get something worse than a black eye. Is talking to Katsan worth my life? Does Katsan even like me? I won't know unless I ask, but if I ask and they rejected I'd be heartbroken. Your childhood crush rejecting you is one of the worst things that could ever happen to someone. But what if they do like me? Would we date? Would we be able to date? Would Kacchan allow it? Well, it's less of what Kacchan wants and what Katsan will do-'

"Good morning, Izukun!" I heard a cheerful voice call out from behind me.

'This is my moment. I'll talk to them despite what Kacchan wants.'

Once they caught up to me, I said, "Good morning, Katsan." I waved at them. I couldn't dare make eye contact after what happened the other night.

"You're actually talking to me?" They titled their head with such a soft smile.

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I want to have a real conversation with you again."

We were quiet for a while before they asked, "So, uh, are you ok? You fell kinda hard." Then they kicked small pebbles down our path.

This is so awkward. "I'm fine." I lied. I have a huge bruise the size of a fist on my right buttock. I took another breath and looked up at the sky. "Have you painted anything interesting?"

Katsan had a slight frown that I couldn't see because, well, I was staring at the sky.

"No, I haven't. I tried, but I don't know. It's been a little hard."

"Why's that?"

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"Mm, I'm sorry about that happening to you. I'm glad Kacchan could help you, and if you need someone else to talk to, I'm also here. I might be able to give you advice that Kacchan can't since y'know..." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Know what?"

I stopped walking. "Since I was bullied, too, growing up."

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