Chapter 12

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Bakugo Katsumi POV:'Maybe Kacchan knows why Izukun isn't going to be at school

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Bakugo Katsumi POV:
'Maybe Kacchan knows why Izukun isn't going to be at school. I should go ask him!'

knock knock

As soon as Kacchan opened his door, I asked, "Did Izukun look sick to you?"

He looked me up and down with annoyance. "Why would I care?" He lowly growled followed by a sleepy yawn similar to a puppy. He looked like he just woke up from his nightly beauty sleep. I know the guy likes to go to sleep early, but geez, it's only 7:30.

He brushed his blond locks out of his eyes when I noticed his knuckles were red and becoming bruised.

I took a hold of his hands and analyzed them closely. "You need to take it easy on your punching bag. I know you want to be #1 and all but goodness." These markings look freshly done.

I do find it a bit odd because I would've heard him going at it with the punching bag and it looks like he's been asleep.

What else could've caused this?

He agitatedly retracted his hand from mine, and broke eye contact with me. It seems as though he was trying to hide something, but why would kacchan ever try to hide something from me?

His leg began an uneasy bounce. "Yeah, I've been using my punching bag." He cleared his throat. "Is this all you came here for?"

"I mean, yeah, I gue-"

I was cut off by him slamming his door in my face.

'Rude ass fucker.'

I sighed and went back to my dorm room to grab my wallet and a coat.

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Midoriya Izuku POV:

I stare at my swollen left eye covered in purple, and my face full of scratches in my mirror. Two black eyes in about a week, just my luck. I gently rub and poke my fingers at my left eye. It still hurts just as bad as the first one Kacchan ever gave me.

I'm starting to get hungry, so I need to hide my whole face basically. I pull out a drawer and find several bandaids. I stick each of them to my cuts. I look around my desk for the foundation bottle and beauty blender that Katsan bought me.

I watched a couple of youtube videos to learn how to apply this right. I know Katsan offered their help, but it would be way too embarrassing to actually ask.

I try to hold back whines of pain while I dab the liquid onto my eye as softly as possible. Before I could finish, I heard a knock at my door.

I paused what I was doing to stand next to my door. "W-who is it?"

"It's Katsumi." Came from the other side of it.

'Shoot, I wasn't done doing my makeup. They can't see me like this. What can I say to get Katsan to leave???'

"I'm, um, not feeling the hottest. You should come back another time." I go back to my desk to continue to pat my foundation in as best I could.

"But I bought you some stuff."

I quickly check my makeup to see if it's presentable.

'It could be better, but this should do it.'

I crack the door a bit and show the good half of my face. "What's up, Katsan."

They had a plastic CVS bag in their hand. "Well, you said you weren't going to be at school, so I thought maybe you had a cold or a fever... or some sort of sickness, and I got you some 'get well' items." They held the bag up, and they tapped their lips together. "Is there some particular reason you're hiding behind that door?"


"No, not at all." I rapidly replied. I don't want Katsan to think I'm being an ass when they're just trying to be nice.

"So show me your whole body." They crossed their arms and shifted their weight onto one leg.

Bakugou Katsumi POV:

He nodded his head and bit his lower lip. He stepped back as he fully opened the door. He then leaned against the door for support. His face was covered in little All Might bandaids.

My face heats up from his appearance. He had no shirt on. The hallway light hit him perfectly to show off his rock-hard 6-pack abs. The band of his underwear read 'Calvin Klein' that was mostly covered up by a pair of baggy All Might sweatpants.

His teeth released his captive lower lip, causing his bottom lip to become a plump pink color. A color that was desirable and alluring.

'His lips look so luscious.'

It would be so wrong of me to even consider kissing him. I'm still unsure of my feelings towards him.

Yes, he's clearly attractive, but I can't go around kissing everyone I think is cute.

I could only imagine how sweet his lips taste, how soft they must be, and how dominating they could be in the heat of the moment. It's taking everything in my power to not grab him by the shoulders and crash my lips onto his.

"Katsan, are you ok?"

I snapped back into reality. I hadn't realized it, but I was staring at his body for a few minutes now. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good."

His ears and cheeks burned bright red. We both were just staring at each other in awe in complete silence, until it hit me on why I was here.

I stuck out my hand with the bag. "Oh, this is for you. There's instant ramen, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, a few 20-ounce water bottles, vitamins, hero magazines, throat-soothing candies, socks, coloring books, chips, and some tea bags."

He had a bright, glistening smile. "Thank you so much, Katsan." He took the bag from me and our hands lightly brushed against each other.

I smile at our small physical interaction and look back at him. Then, I noticed something off about Izukun. Is he wearing the foundation I bought him? I don't judge, heck I got it for him, but what was the need for him to be wearing foundation?

"Are you wearing makeup?" I ask.

His eyes began to panic. "N-no. Why would I be?"

"You're lying. I can obviously see that you are." I reached my hand to touch around his eye when he yelped in pain. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?"

He covered his eye with the palm of his hand. "Totally. Couldn't be better." He awkwardly laughed afterward.

"Remove your hand." I demanded.

"I don't think you want me to do that." He said with his voice laced with worry. He profusely waved his free hand out.

"Izukun!" I stomped my foot on the ground and balled my fist.

He looked at me with sorrowful eyes. He slowly dropped his hand to reveal his smudge makeup.

"You got another black eye?" I brought his face closer to me to get a better look. I lightly ran my index finger across his under-eye.


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