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Kacchan's always been my hero. When we were younger I was got bullied for being quirkless and "weak". Of course, Kacchan being who he is, always stepped up and protected me. To be totally honest, he's gotten into one too many fights for me. Kacchan always saved the day. I couldn't ask for a better big brother, a better hero.

My bullying got so bad that parents were considering pulling me out of school and hiring a private teacher, but that wasn't enough. I would still face a major problem..

my brother.

I absolutely love him, but I can't handle living in his shadow. He loves to gloat and showoff. I know he would never intentionally hurt me, but it pains me seeing the quirk I could've had.

I begged my parents to let me go to some fancy boarding school in America. At first, it was a hard no. After many tears and PowerPoint presentations on why it would be beneficial, they finally agreed to it. My parents choose the #1 school in the U.S.

It was finally set; for my second year of middle school I would be able to leave.

Saying goodbye to Kacchan was hard, but he understood how damaging the bully was. I couldn't bear telling him he was one of the reasons I was so desperate to leave, so he believes the only reason I left was because of my constant harassment.

Me and my family stayed close. I would video call them almost every day. Whenever Katsuki had vacation time from school my family whole would come to the U.S. and vice versa.

A/N: For the sake of the story we're going to say that Japan and America have the same grade structures

As I got older, I happened to develop a quirk at the beginning of my third year of middle school. It's just like Kacchans— explosion. There's just one small difference, my quirk comes from my feet, not my hands. I guess all those years of wishing to get his quirk paid off.

I decided I want to use my quirk for good, I want to help others. I want to protect people the same way Kacchan protected me. Once my boarding school found out about my quirk and career path interest, they immediately moved me into the hero program.

When I told my parents about the news, they asked me whether or not I wanted to come back home. I was a bit hesitant and unsure. My father suggested for me to complete my third year of middle school and first year of high school in America. After that, I would be enroll in U.A. as Kacchan did; I accepted his offer.

Plus, this gives me time to perfect my quirk. I may not go U.A., but I do go to the #1 school in the U.S.

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