Chapter 18

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:As I woke up the first thing my eyes connect with is my sketchbook

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:
As I woke up the first thing my eyes connect with is my sketchbook. The last time I went anywhere near my stretch book, I had a panic attack and was swarmed with old, terrible memories. Going anywhere near that thing sounds terrible. Yet the thought of finishing my art piece of Izukun has been lingering in the back of mind. Maybe instead of drawing it, I'll paint it. I am better at painting.

I go into my closet to pull out and set up my easel. I search around and find to an empty canvas— no luck. I groan because this means I need to go to the art store to go buy one.

I grab some a white baggy tee that reads "Deftones" and black baggy jeans— simply outfit.

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I listen to sound plastic grocery bags colliding into each other from the art store near my house called, "You Can Blend The Rules". I prefer going there rather than the one by the school because it feels nostalgic and homey. "You Can Blend The Rules" is small firm owned by a sweet, old couple who've basically seen me grow up.

Once I make it into my room, I set the bags down on the floor. I rummage through my closet looking for my box of oil paints, pencils, and brushes. I like oil paints over acrylic paint because it dries the same vibrancy that it had while it was wet, and it takes longer to dry to, so it's easier to blend colors. Over all, it's more forgiving. The only downsides are the price and needing to keep my window open because of the smell.

I lazily sketch the same print I had in my book. I glide my paint brush covered in green against the hard, white canvas filling it with color when I hear a knock at my door. I wonder who it could be?

I set down my clear art palette and paint brush. I clean my hands off on my jeans. All my pairs of jeans are practically covered in paint anyways. I twist open the door handle to see— him.

"We need to talk... I miss you. You're my annoying ass sibling, but you're the sibling that I care a lot about." Kacchan muttered the last part.

"Come in." I rolled my eyes.

I moved to the side as he walked past me. He surely noticed what I was working on. I pushed up my sleeves that had fallen a bit. I got back to painting like he wasn't there.

We were both silent but it wasn't awkward. Kacchan watched engagingly as I worked.

When I was nearing my final brush strokes, he asked, "Is this for De-" He cleared his throat as I whipped my head back at him. "Izuku?"

"Uhh, not originally, but I convinced myself to give it to him." I said slowly to put my main focus on what's in front of me.

"I'm sure he'll love it. If not, he's a fuckin' idiot." He scoffed.

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Together, me and my brother stared at my completed work. I was looking for an imperfections, while he was in a silent awe. He knew that this was one of my best works, but he didn't want to get too excited over it.. because... you know... feelings and such.

A soft knock was placed at me door. We both looked at the door, glanced at each other, then raced to the door. I won, of course. I am the better twin, after all.

My eyes met with my favorite green-haired boy. My eyes soften as they meet his.

Oh, shit! The painting! He can't see that I'm painting him. How embarrassing would that be?

I jump in front of my door and close it behind me. I try my best to sneakily hide what I am doing. "Hey, what's up?" I ask with a smile.

He has on a nice outfit. A pair is loose fitting khakis, a plain black t-shirt, and a black polo jacket. His usual unkept curly hair had looked well done, probably the work of Mina's. "Well, Katsan, I was hoping that you could accompany me to the arcade." He twirled a strand of his hair that kept on getting in his eye.

"Like a date?" I questioned him with my eyebrow's furrowed. He sure is dressed and presented well enough for an arcade date.

"Exactly like a date." He said in the empty hall.

It was honestly quite confusing. Like me? You want to go on a date with me? It just doesn't make any sense. I like him and he maybe is somewhat interested in me.

"I would love that." I tried to conceal my smile but no matter how hard I tried it was evident.

"Wonderful! Oh, this is for you!" He handed me a red envelope. "I'll be back here to pick you at 6." He waved goodbye as he happily ran back to his dorm room to change his clothes into his date attire. Izuku always was well dressed and his outfits were always put together. He never had a "sloppy" or "lazy" look unless he was hero training, and even those looked good. So I guess he never appears bad.

I sighed. What am I going to wear?

I shut the door behind. Kacchan tries to read my face for any emotion when I immediately started jumping up and down out of excitement. "HE ASKED ME ON A DATE!"

What a perfect day! I made up with my brother, finished the painting, and got asked out by the boy I like!

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