Chapter 7

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:My parents dropped me and Kacchan off at school an hour earlier than usual

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Bakugou Katsumi POV:
My parents dropped me and Kacchan off at school an hour earlier than usual. They had some important fashion emergency. I don't really know what happened; I was half-asleep, while they were explaining.

Luckily for Kacchan, his friends were also here early. "Hey, Bakugous!" Ashido called out for us, while the rest of the gang waved us over. I yawned and rubbed my eyes while walking up to them.

Kacchan was silent. He appeared well-rested, lucky bastard. He strolled with his hands in his pockets and one earbud in. He gave the impression that something was on his mind, but I couldn't tell what. I was never good at reading him. Yeah, I know, worst twin ever.

They exchanged 'hello's and 'good morning's. I simply smiled. I didn't have it in me to speak actual words.

"What are you idiots doing here so early?" Kacchan asked with a sour face.

"We're always here this early." Kirishima answered my brother. "We carpool."

'Damn, that sucks. I wish I was in bed. I can barely keep my eyes open.'

"I'm going inside. I wanna rest my eyes for a little." I spoke in a sleepy tone that kind of surprised the group. It's not my fault I stayed up all night doing homework. In America, they never assigned this much homework, and I already feel like I'm drowning in schoolwork.

I kept my head down as I walked through the mostly empty halls. Every now and then there would be a small group of students talking or walking around.

I slid open my homeroom door. My eyes quickly scanned the room and there wasn't a single person in. I expected to see Mr. Aizawa asleep in his yellow sleeping bag, but nothing. I sat at my seat and laid my head down.

No less than 10 minutes later, Izukun walked in with an unblemished face. He looked good as new. He handed me an envelope prior to him sitting in his seat and pulling out his school supplies.

The envelope contained $15 and a green sticky note.

ure a lifesaver
i hope this is enough to cover the cost :)
-M. Izuku

"I don't want your money, Deku." I slammed it onto his desk harder than I meant to. It was an honest mistake. When I'm tired I tend to be a bit cranky.

Izukun looked at me with horror written across his face. "What did you call me?" He looked at me with sad, almost disappointed eyes.

Was that a mistake? "D-deku." I tried to sound nicer so I don't scare him off but rather I sounded like an idiot.

'Ew, why did I stutter?'

"It's fitting for someone who thinks I want their money." I laid my head back down until I heard a small tap on my desk. The green-haired boy set a paper by my desk.

For your information I like Izukun better

you'll have to earn that name back

Did Kacchan tell you to call me Deku?


Do you know why he named me that?

something about an inside joke
and i've heard Uraraka call you that
so i thought you wouldn't mind

I handed him the sheet of paper back, and he seemed distraught, but he quickly snapped out of it. He didn't reply, but in lieu began to finish some homework.

I finally got the chance to rest my eyes, but ended up taking a short nap.

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