Chapter 3 he fell in love with his best friends part

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"He fell in love with his best friend, when she's around

he feels nothing but joy."

"Did you know that I loved you, or were you not aware?"
"Cause we got an amazing friendship that you don't wanna lose, well I don't wanna lose it either."

-Fall | Justin Bieber


The triplets watch louis, only touching and petting him. But not waking up the small omega. They can't even imagine how mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted louis is. Edward stood up excusing himself to go downstairs to get Louis something to drink and eat for when he wakes up. The sound of door shutting is what woke louis up from his dreamless sleep.

He felt someone rubbing his sides and another petting his hair, tensing up he didn't know it was only the triplets in his room, until he smelt their scents, slowly opening his eyes louis was greeted with a sight of his friends worried etched on their faces.

"Hi." Louis mumbled quietly, slowly sitting up against the headboard. Harry and Marcel moved a bit so they can give louis some space to make himself comfortable.

"How are you, Lou-Lou?" Harry asked sadly, he blames himself on what happened to Louis seeing his bruised face makes him and his inner alpha want to hunt down everyone who hurt his omega friend. If he and his brothers would've had just stayed by the omega's side this wouldn't happen to him.

Louis shrugged fiddling with the covers that fell on his lap, he desperately wants to open up with the triplets, he trust them so much even with his life he trust them but he just can't, he felt himself slowly believing the words his bullies threw at him. He doesn't want to burden the triplets or anyone around him. Maybe that's also the reason why the alphas changed school maybe they were fed up being friends with him, maybe he's clingy? Childish? Sensitive?

Louis hates himself for being sensitive, for being small and needing help all the time, he hates being small. But most of all he hates being an omega, why couldn't he just presented as a beta just like his sisters.

"Do you want to talk about it, Lou-Lou?" Marcel asked with a hint of desperation in his voice. He took louis' hands when he saw louis starting to scratch his hands, a habit he picked out on when he was a child tell tale sign of whether Louis is feeling anxious or upset.

" I don't know?" Louis mumbled quietly. Torn apart on whether he should tell them what's bothering him, or just keep it all to himself. Which he knew and the alphas also knew would be dangerous for him.

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