Chapter 11 - I'm still longing for you.

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"Of all the ones that begged to stay, I'm still longing for you."

-To the bone | Pamungkas

Weeks passed and louis felt himself drifting away from the alphas, as they do the same. They still hang out but with the company of Liam and Gina and their Emily, louis had forgotten what it's like to spend time when it was just the four of them. He was an outcast who was at the corner while the triplets are fawning over to their new omega who agreed to their courtship, the small omega felt sharp glasses piercing through his chest leaving it to bleed whenever he looked over and saw Emily sitting over Edwards lap while marcel and harry held her hands, they were watching a horror movie and it wasn't that scary so louis' annoyance build every time he heard Emily's whimper and her snuggling close to Edwards neck near to his bond mark. He gripped the soda bottle tightly as if choking it. He knows that he wasn't annoyed much to what he tells himself he was jealous, he was supposed to be the one sitting on Edwards lap and snuggling him, he was a clingy omega he was restless throughout the whole movie so he stood up and excused himself but he was sure no one even noticed he moved away.

They were in the triplets and Liam's house, Anne and robin were away for a business trip, so they got the whole house for themselves, they were all in the movie room, soft bean bags and pillows were spread throughout the whole room, they had switched those instead of actual chairs so it would be more comfortable since Liam, the triplets and louis are usually the ones who used those. Besides some guests, the huge floor to ceiling screen lay there at the front while the DVD players were kept on the opposite side hidden at the back room.

Louis sneaked out, excusing himself as he told Liam he was just going to the bathroom, he didn't notice the glance harry gave him as he was pretty sure that the omega in their arms had their gaze captured. He quietly shut the door and went downstairs, his vape was itching in his pocket he desperately wanted to inhale the addicting smoke to rid off the feeling he shouldn't be feeling at all. Reaching down at the kitchen he took a glass to fill it up with water, then he headed out to the triplet's backyard to smoke.

He sat down at the hammock harry bought for them to hang out with whenever the weather was nice and stars was out for them, to give them a nice view, making the sky prettier with their shining lights. But now it felt cold and empty as he was the only one occupying it. He took out his vape pen to smoke out his frustrations. He didn't hear sliding door opened, but he felt his presence, his alpha scent alone gave it away.

"Why are you outside?" the middle triplet asked, patting louis' thigh and taking louis' vape out on his own hold to have a puff, it doesn't give him enough satisfaction since it was solely for omegas, alphas have their own kind. The manufacturer creating different kind for both genders because omegas couldn't handle strong ones like the ones designed for alphas, which sucks in louis' opinion because for him omegas are stronger than alphas biology be dammed.

He didn't answer him, he just looked ahead. He wasn't lost in his thoughts, his mind was just blank, too tired to came up with words. The picture of Emily on their lap still engraved at the forefront of his mind. He was upset and he hope his scent wasn't giving it away, but he knows harry had noticed it with his sharp nose and his alpha being attuned to louis'

"You're upset, may I know why? You've been distant with us." A tone of sadness etched on Harry's wooly soft voice, it was different to his usual tone and louis hated it. He shrugged still not giving him any verbal response, he was afraid of the words that will form in his mouth. Afraid that what he might say was what he meant to tell them for so long. But he gathers enough courage to say a simple "I'm not, just thinking." louis answered Harry's first question. He knows it wasn't enough if it wasn't for the indication of harry squeezing his knee, but he didn't push it. They just sat there as the breeze pass by and swung them, the moon was lighting up the entire sky and with the company of one of the alphas he loved dearly to be with him in his lonely space, it was enough for louis, to calm his agonizing beated heart. 

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