Chapter 8 - only if you knew how much I liked you.

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"Only if you knew how much I liked you, but I watch your eyes as she walks by What a sight for sore eyes brighter than the blue sky. She's got you mesmerized while I die."

"I wish I was heather."

-Heather | Conan Gray

Days passed and Louis' anxiousness grew as the triplets date with their new love interest neared. It hurts because every time this happen, the triplets would spent all of their time with the small omega, acting as if nothing is wrong and everyday is just normal days for them. Louis confused and out of his mind would also act normal, only to be left cold, when the triplets introduced their new boyfriend or girlfriend to him.

But today, the day the triplets would take Emily out. Are currently discussing on where the perfect place would be to take her. The styles siblings, Louis and Liam are all eating around the dining area, all are quiet except for the excited chattering the triplets are having. Liam looked warily at louis, as the latter would sometimes breaks his silence in support of the triplets planning. The omega would even stopped eating to write down notes on the book harry brought earlier.

"I think it would be pretty if you put fairy lights around it." Louis chipped in, cutting his steak in a perfect manner. Back posed as he sent a smile towards the triplets. Only one alpha around the room, noticed how fake it is and how clipped Louis' voice is.

Harry flicks his fingers in excitement as they all agreed to louis' suggestion, the three huddling closer, probably planning on where the perfect spot to put on the fairy lights. The three are planning on bringing Emily to their family lake, owned by the styles. It has the perfect view of the Madison's river and has flowers of roses blooming around it. They only planned of everything being perfect. As they are completely smitten on the omega they only just met.

"I'm finished. Lou, Are you? Want to leave now?" Liam stood up as he held his plate with his hands and looking at louis expectantly as if his question is more of a command, he's clearly making an excuse for Louis. As he know the small omega very well. The omega would act excited and supportive of the alphas even if he is hurting inside. And would stay with the triplets to make the planning perfect as he always does.

Louis looked at Liam and only nodded his head, eyes solemn with no hint of light shining around it. The triplets still paid them no mind, still caught up to their discussion, Liam made the moved on telling them that he and Louis would leave and go to school early. Marcel the only one who noticed and listened, nodded his head with a smile, telling them they'll see the two later. Liam went to the kitchen area knowing Louis was following him.

As they reached it, Liam placed roughly his dishes on the sink. Placing his palms on the edge and shoulders hunching as he heaves out a sigh. He looked over to the small window that over looked their garden the sight melting away the stress on his shoulder. "Why do you keep doing that, Lou?" Liam whispered. He looked over his shoulder to see the said omega fidgeting on where he stood at.

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