Capter 12 - When you look in to her eyes hope you think of me.

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"Cause when you look in his eyes, hope you think of mine. And when you look in that smile, hope I cross you're mind. I hope in your head you see me instead, cause you've been in mine every day since then." - Lookalike | Conana Gray

Louis heart weighs heavy on his chest as he nurses another bottle of beer as he watched the triplets dances with their omega, he people watch as everything moved in slow motion and he just stood there watching the scene played right in front of his eyes.

It was so hearthbreaking for him, he couldn't lift a limb as his body froze in agony. His wolf was howling on him to leave and never comeback here again, it was irriatating but he knows his omega is right. Even if it's hard, he pushed himself up and out of the space he grew accustomed with. Leaving his untouched beer on the kitchen counter as he walked across the danceroom and swayed to the beat of the music while still looking at them. Desperately trying to get one of the triplets attention, it didn't happen.

The only attention he got was from daniel. An alpha who was kind and everything louis had ever wanted in an alpha but he didn't have kind forest green eyes and wide smiles with dimples adorning his cheeks and he doesn't have two other brothers that louis is desperately in love with.

The brown eyed alpha, smiled at louis. Which louis returned with a tight lipped one, he doesn't even know why he went here in the dancefloor when he misarably wanted to leave this party. But liam didn't invite him to wallow in his self pity and pining. So with a big smile that was different from the last one, louis put his hands over daniel's shoulder and moved forward to give him a peck on his cheek. "Let's go dance?" Louis asked sweetly, if this is the only way he'll forget about the triplets then he wasn't guilty of doing so, at least his heart could catch a break and be with someone who at least wanted him.


"Louis, I saw you with daniel hughes last night. You two were getting cozy." Gina wiggled her eyebrows at louis, who only blushed and shrugged as he looked away. Harry who was besides them choke up on the gatorade he was drinking, making gina pat his back asking if he was okay. The alpha only nodded and thanked her. "You and daniel?" The alpha asked nonchalantly, gazing at louis with a squint eye because of the sun's rays shining down on them, they were out and back in the field as it was their P.E day today and a couple of things needed to be done for their sports day. Louis was so eager for it to happen since he loved whenever there are school gatherings and activities happening.

"We're not like that. We just dance and talked around back in jame's party."Louis mumbled shyly as he looked at harry through his lashes, snatching the gatorade from the alphas grasp and taking a sip from it.

"But still, I don't want you getting an alpha right now or anything you're too young for that." Harry pouted as he held louis hands in his, running his fingertips softly against the delicate skin. Louis giggled at harry's words. "Harry we're are both the same age, why does it matter if I get an alpha. You three have emily." Louis almost spat bitterly at the alpha but quickly hide it with a whine. Taking his hand out of harry's grip and crossing his arms against his chest as he looked away snottily.

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