Chapter 9 - If we're not friends, someone else might love you too.

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"So I could take the back road but your eyes will lead me straight back home, and if you know me like I know you, you should love me you should know. That friends just sleep in another bed, and friends don't treat me like you."

"But my friends won't love me like you, no my friends won't love me like you."

"But then again, if we're not friends. Someone else might love you too."

-Friends | Ed Sheeran

A week passed with louis being radio silent, the triplets were worried on what might had happened to him. Ever since their last encounter at the school, louis didn't bother to contact them. It was unusual for him to miss school since he was a top student. They received a call from jay later that week, saying louis caught a flu. Which eased them, they ask her if they could come visit which where they are now. Standing outside louis' bedroom holding a tray with a pot of hot porridge for him. Since harry was holding the tray and Edward holding paper bags with gifts inside it and balloons. Marcel made the move to knock on the door. After stepping away they waited patiently hearing a sneeze and a small "come in."

Entering, they were met with a messy room. The blinds were closed making the room look a bit dark, Edward flick on the light switch making the room erupt in brightness. Tissues were scattered everywhere and a lump in the middle of the bed, indicating louis, and his head the only thing poking out of the covers. They heard a whimper, the light blinding louis a little bit. After being in the dark for so long, the omega wasn't used to the brightness of the room. Medicines and an empty bowl sat atop on louis bedside table, a sign that he somewhat ate and drank something which makes the triplets relieved.

"Aww bunny, how are you feeling?" Harry asked, upset that their friend was feeling sick and can do nothing about it. "Sick, harry I feel sick." Louis rolled his eyes in obviousness, peering up at harry but not making a move to get out of his cocooned covers, only receiving a pout. "I brought you food and that's how you treat me?"

Louis only stuck out his tongue, before sneezing reaching out for some tissue. The triplets only chuckled positioning themselves on louis' spacious bed, harry held the tray with one hand the other removing the excess tissue, scrunching his face in disgust before sitting down. Placing the tray down on louis' lap. "Is this Anne's porridge?!" Louis suddenly exclaimed, sitting up. After receiving a nod the omega clap excitedly, immediately taking a spoonful of the hot porridge, moaning in delight.

"We've also brought you gifts!" Edward smiled laying the bags down beside the omega and tying up the balloons on the bedpost. Louis preened, smile wide. Even with runny nose and a fever, the omega still looked beautiful with his pale skin and reddish nose.

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