Chapter 5 - Cause nobody knows you baby, the way I do.

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Louis sat down in their usual spot at the library near the back, taking out the brown paper bag containing his lunch that he bought at the cafeteria earlier. He checked his phone for the time, wondering where the triplets were. He hasn't seen them ever since that morning in the office. With their different secondary genders, alphas and omegas have different classes (while betas are lucky enough to choose which class they'd like to attend). But their school has three particular classes where all genders are mandated to participate in, just to see how they'd interact with one another: namely, P.E., social studies, and the alpha/beta/omega dynamics.

Emily was present in most of Louis' classes, as she, too, was also an omega. Teachers introduced her, and classmates were already befriending her. It's not that the male omega immediately hates her, because she does look like a good person, " she really does! " Louis insisted to his wolf. The idea of an outsider stealing his alpha's away from him just starts a fire within him.

Unfortunately for Louis, this is a recurring situation, as everybody and their mothers love the triplets. Their charisma makes everyone in the room swoon. It's not news when one or two people are suddenly linked with them. Though the short brunette knows that those news will always go away, he can't help the little tug in his heart every time he hears or sees it.

But that's just it. News that will eventually go away. That's what this Emily person is to the triplets. Just a new person in their old routine that will be gone in the next week or so. Just that , Louis tries to convince himself.

im here. where r u guys? The omega texted the group chat. Seeing that no one's replied to his message yet, he exited the messaging app and played on his phone.

otw 🏍🐣👀 , Harry texted. Louis smiled, it was the alpha's habit to add random emoticons with no correlations to the text whatsoever. The bubble appeared, along with the three dots, indicating that Harry was typing something.

emily's coming w us!!!!!

she doesnt know anyone here yet ..

so it would suck if she ate alone :((((

The smile on his face disappeared in a millisecond. He huffed out a frustrated sigh and put down his phone harshly. With his mind reeling, his eyes focused on the chair opposite of him. And if looks could kill, the chair would be reduced to nothing but ashes. His intense murder stare was interrupted when he felt someone sit in his vicinity. Looking up, he saw Liam on his phone, unaware of the screaming tantrums going on inside his head.

"So," Louis swallowed down the wilt in his voice, "you've heard of the new student?" Liam, being the sweetheart that he is, put his mobile down to appease the omega.

"She sounds fine, Lou. Don't think much about it; they're probably just over interested 'cause she's new."

Liam is Louis' closest friend besides the triplets. Making the alpha acquainted with the omega's feelings.

Louis remembers a night with bean bags and board games, the scene of the gameroom with the five of them whilst a soft tune played in the background. A night chattering about a new game and skateboards. A night tipsy on wine that their parents reluctantly agreed to. And a night of confession.

"What's wrong, Lou?" It was Liam. The triplets just excused themselves, sneakily getting their vape pens out of their pockets, while their parents were out of sight.

"Nothing," The omega replied, tracing the rim of the wine glass with his finger. He watched the bubbles fizzle, he can't help but look at the triplets despite being in a conversation with someone else. A warm feeling settled in his chest. A whine of longing spread through his body, travelling down to his bones. A tingling sensation on his hands as he desperately wanted to touch the people he's looking at. In an intimate way. In a way that lovers do.

Louis was unaware of his surroundings as his vision tunneled to only Edward, Marcel, and Harry. Unaware of the loud voices inside the house. Unaware of the crickets chirping. And unaware of the stare that Liam was giving him. Which prompted the gears turning in the alpha's head, he gasped softly (but even then, Louis was unaware).

"Louis.." Liam said softly, pitily. "Louis, do you love my brothers?"

That got the omega to finally look at him.

He swallowed, forcing out a chuckle. "Of course I love them, they're my best friends, Li," he tried to drown his nerves by drinking the wine quickly.

"You know what I mean." Liam said with kind eyes, "are you in love with them?"

"Guess I'm that obvious, huh?" He downed the glass. "But they can never know. I can't handle the rejection. It would break the poor little me," he admitted with a chuckle that's for naught.

"What if they loved you t—"

"What if they don't?" The omega whispered harshly. He took a breath to calm his nerves, "besides, I know them. If you've only seen or heard how many times they unconsciously rejected me, you would also feel this way."

"And I don't know them? They're my brothers. They never look at the omegas the same way they look at you." The alpha gently put his hand on top of Louis' who was nervously fidgeting the now empty wine glass.

"It doesn't mean anything."

A tense silence followed.

Liam relented, "okay, I won't tell them anything. I know it's not my place to," he scooted closer to Louis, "but you have to tell them someday, Lou. God knows you might even save yourself from a heartbreak." He gave the omega one more meaningful look and one more pat on the shoulder, before standing up and leaving the room.

It left Louis with the abundance of thoughts running through his head. A lot of "what if's"piling up with different scenarios and outcomes playing inside his head. But one thing in his mind stayed prominent: no matter what, he shouldn't, wouldn't, and couldn't handle the alphas' rejection. He won't survive it.

Louis shook his head to leave the memory, projecting himself back to the present. In the cafeteria, beside Liam. He let out a sigh. The alpha was right. They only met her today. She might be extremely nice but not exactly what the triplets want.

Louis pulled out his favorite salt and vinegar chips, leaning it onto Liam's side in case he wanted some. The alpha relented and got some for himself. He got his phone on the table, offered an earbud to Louis, and they watched some show on Netflix. And so they waited for the triplets. And emily.

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