Chapter 10 - Cause I like you but that's not enough.

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Hello! Eiza here, SCMNAISLY updates will be slower than the usual. But i have a good reason! I had joined BLFF2022 ficfest and i'm so excited and nervous for it. I want to see my potential as a writer but scared i'm not good enough, but i always tell myself that it's okay if it's not. Because i am doing this for my own entertainment and pleasure and it's okay to suck because i am not perfect but a simple human being, but i still hope you would stay and enjoy my fics and find enjoyment in it as much as i do. I AM NOT LEAVING THIS FIC! I might take some time off since blff has a due date and ofc i need to prioritize it and i'm hoping to write atleast two fics from it so fingers crossed, i can't say much about it but i chose prompt: 284 and 39! With that being said enjoy this last chapter of SCMNAISLY for a while. I also love styles triplets so this won't be my first and last fic about them. UPDATE! I signed up to write two fics! And omfg i'm so excited for it! Interact with me on twitter [@FlourryLTHS] since i'll be posting snippets and updates there! Till then, sending you all my love <3

"Cause I like you but that's not enough, so if you will please fall in love with me."

-Would you be so kind | Dodie

"Hello Lou bleu." Marcel greeted, patting Louis' hips as he pass by to get to his locker. Making louis blushed and butterflies erupt in his stomach early in the morning.

"Hello Marcie Daisy!" Louis greeted back cheerily. Making the alpha blushed in return, it wasn't always Louis called him with the nickname he invented when they were toddlers learning to talk. They were out in the garden that day and little louis picked out a daisy flower in his mum's garden during their weekly playdate and giving it to little marcel who was happily reading his book making the small alpha happy. Thus the nickname was made, the soft name coming out of the little one's mouth with his smile shining just like the sun in that summer afternoon. The alpha was so happy he pressed the flower in his book till it wilted and fade away. But the sweet nickname stayed. Louis doesn't always call him with that special nickname he made for him, so it always caught him off guard whenever louis suddenly calls him that. Love that the sentimental thing wasn't being overused which marcel hated when the things he loved get overused and it lost the meaning and feelings for him.

But even if louis always used the nickname for him, it wouldn't be overused. Things with louis wouldn't be overused. Because it's louis, and he's special. As the triplets always thought. With his kind and sweet personality and bright smile that made everyone smile and a laugh that made everyone laugh and a heart of gold that sometimes can weigh a bit heavy even for a small omega. And that's what made him special.

Marcel was pulled out of his thoughts when louis waved a hand in front of his face and concerned look etched on his face. "hey what's wrong? Didn't get enough sleep?"

Marcel only chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah you could say that. By the way, I think we will have to cancel our silent night." Marcel pursed his lips as he thought about it, facing louis after getting the things he needed in his locker before closing it, the omega only frowned, asking why. Their book night or as they called it silent night are every Sunday night where they would hang out in Marcel's huge library in their house that his parents made for him since his other twins and siblings doesn't like to read much, but the small omega shared the same passion with him, being with louis as they talk about the things they loved made him really happy, he doesn't say it but he knows louis knows that he appreciate the small omega. They would pick a book for each other and read it silently while snuggling close to each other. It was a peaceful thing that they enjoyed with the company of one another. They love the simplicity of their little thing, even sometimes harry and edward would join but with the purpose of doing their homeworks. Just enjoying each other's presence.

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