Chapter 15 -his lips on mine, so soft. Feelings I don't know.

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NOTES: Hello Hi! It's me eiza. im a bad writer aren't I? always leaving you hanging and im very sorry for not being consistent 😭 also idk when will be the next upload again bc yes I joined the blff this year again and yes I took two prompt again bc what the hell am I even thinking right? so again I'm really sorry but I hope you accept my apology gift i love you thank you for still reading my fic istg the drama is now about to start and everything is about to take into a worst turn and that is the only thing I could reveal. hehe

"Her lips on mine, so soft. Feelings I don't know the name of. "

"Oh why am I alone, did I do something wrong. Am I the reason you found someone else."

"How can I be what you want." "Are you happy in someone else's arms." - Way to break my heart | Ed Sheeran

"Edward, I-" Louis hesistates, as Edward pulled away to look at him. As he opened his mouth again, ready to word vommit his confession he was cut off with a loud yell coming from the back door. Making the both of them snap their gaze towards the sound.

"Guys! Harry finally figured out how to worked the boat and the cheese burgers are done! Let's go!" Marcel yelled at them while he held a ton of soda cans in his big alpha arms. His arms bulging with his white T-shirt making Louis swallow tightly. He felt Edward moved away to face the direction of his brother, making him finally aware on what he was about to do. His throat clogging up again and his words were swallowed down with every breath he took and he was again back to square one.

"Okay we'll catch up with you guys." Edward yelled back in reply at Marcel who only nodded to let the two of them know he heard him, left as he went back outside. Edward turned back at louis looking at him earnestly. "What was it you wanted to say, fleur?" Edward asked louis, who gulped and reluctantly put a distance between them.

"Nothing I was about to say 'I'm hungry', and then marcel came so that was a good timing." Louis chuckled airly, leaving the living room where Edward stood confused as he walked towards the deck where Harry and Marcel awaits for them. His cheeks heat up as he remembers his sudden confidence. Although it breaks his heart he was glad Marcel ruined their moment. He wouldn't gain anything if he confessed now and it would only ruin everything he ever had with them and might turn everything into an awkward mess.

Louis beamed at the alpha who was busy arranging things for when they board the boat, it was full of everything they need. Marcel greeted him with a forehead kiss as he pack up the last burgers while harry helped him get on the boat as he took off the rope that was wrapped around the wood to prevent it from floating away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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