Chapter 2 - knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes

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"Knew I was falling when I look inside your eyes."
"And if I said I'm falling would you just reply, 'I know you are, but what am i?"
- Why Don't We | What Am I

After riding some of the rides. The four decided to move to the game booths spread throughout the whole carnival. After almost throwing up because of the intense rides they rode. It was fun, but they soon regretted getting up on the carts and seats, as it made their head spins and Harry almost losing his balance while walking at one point. But let's be honest, harry trips even if there's nothing to be tripped off.

Harry and Marcel was in front of a booth speaking in hushed voices as they made up a plan on how to win one of the biggest bear in display for louis. The clerk looking at them boredly, they all know that the game was already rigged. While the two alphas started having an intense conversion, Marcel pointing at the bottles stacked explaining certain angles on how to knock it all down. While harry has look of pure determination on his face nodding along to what marcel is saying, Hands crossed on his chest. they look like a proper idiots and louis loved it

Louis was besides Edward, munching on the pretzel Edward bought for him while the latter messily eat the cotton candy he chose, even taking a piece of it and feeding louis the candy. Louis hummed every time Edward does that, even stopping from nibbling on his own food. Appreciating what Edward does for him. The two watched a few feet from the alphas, munching on their food as they watch harry getting ready, positioning his arms backwards and legs forward like he's in a competition of baseball when in reality he just need to take down the six bottles positioned in the center. Louis held his breath, while he felt Edward does the same. Really hoping they would at least win one game. They watched as Harry throw the ball and instead of hitting the bottles he clumsily hits the light that lit when you won something.

Edward let out a loud laugh, while Louis suppressed a giggle behind his pretzel. They watched as Harry's shoulders slumped down while Marcel patted Harry's back, they watched as the employee walked towards the two alphas. Louis' attention shifted to Edward's as the latter cleared his throat.

"So uh, I heard that there will be new transferee." Edward said while licking off the remains of the candy that was left on his fingers. Louis hummed in acknowledgement, but the thoughts in his mind are clearly something. He's confused on what is Edward is trying to imply. They always get new students in their school, so what's so interesting about it.

"What are you guys talking about?" Marcel asked, before Louis could ask Edward who it'll be. Louis glanced at them to see Marcel pocketing his wallet while Harry clutched a big rainbow teddy bear on his chest. Louis thought that the bear was kinda cute and he wouldn't mind if it will be his cuddle buddy every night when he goes to sleep since he's a cuddler.

"You paid your way again, didn't you?" Louis looked at them with raised eyebrow, Making Harry nod with a pout on his face clearly ashamed on having to buy the prize instead of winning it. Marcel only sighed in annoyance, it has been the 4th time they bought the prize instead of winning it. And it clearly shows how much they sucked at it. They would always try and give the bear they bought to Louis but Louis would always turn them down saying "I'm not going to accept it, unless you three won it. I want it to be from your hard experience of winning it. I'm sorry, I hope you understand." Louis whispered afraid that the triplets would be mad at him.

Of course the triplets understand that. They also want to win Louis one of the prizes so bad. But alas, they sucked at carnival games. It's ironic how they're so good with almost everything, but the stupid carnival games are testing their patience.

"The employee said that we, instead of it being just Harry's fault. Broke the light this idiot hit, and we need to pay for it or else the owner would less his own salary because of it. And then the said idiot couldn't help but also buy one of the prizes." Marcel explained to them, while glaring at Harry. Making the latter rolled his eyes, mumbling something under his breath. (probably insults towards his younger brother)

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