Chapter 1: In a field of Dandelions, wishing on every one that you'll be mine

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"And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime."

"I'm in a field of Dandelions wishing on every one that you'll be mine. And I see forever in your eyes, I feel okay when I see you smile."

-Dandelions | Ruth B.

Louis was awoken out of his dreams, when he felt someone nudging him awake. With a flatter of his eyes, he saw one of a pair of green eyes he loved. He can't clearly see who it was, because the person's face was so close to his face he can't say whose triplets it belongs to. Louis huffed out a breath moving a bit to get the heavy alpha out of him. Making the said alpha move away from louis.

"We're almost there! Lou-Lou." the alpha that was bouncing on his seat with his wild curls swaying everywhere, excitedly informed louis while looking out of the car.

Of course how could louis ever forgot that the only alpha who really got close to his personal space is the one and only Harry styles.

"Harold, how many times have I told you to let louis rest! You know how tired he is, because of his practice." A voice whisper yelled from where he was seated on the passenger seat. Clearly belonged to Marcel. The youngest of the styles triplets born 8 minutes after Edward and 4 minutes after Harry.

Harry whined, while the oldest alpha Edward. Only chuckled, used to the bickering. Louis only smiled he always feel happy, safe and protected when he's with his alphas (friends) a voice corrected the thought in his mind making his smile slowly diminish before it was back again when he saw harry looking at him with glint of light in his eyes.

"Louis! Do you know where we're going?" Harry started babbling at louis when he notices he's already awake. Louis shook his head while rubbing the sleep off of his eyes. Looking out the window it's starting to get a bit late. And they're still a couple miles away from where they are heading to.

"Harry we've talked about this, where we are taking Lou-lou is a surprise. It's the least we could do of how much you've worked hard yourself to win the game last week Lou. But I promise you, the four of us are going to have so much fun on where we're taking you but I bet you and harry are the ones who would enjoy it more than Marcy and I. And just to let you know I'm pretty damn proud of you for scoring that goal last minute." Edward scolded Harry before looking at louis through the rearview mirror. Louis can't help but blushed and basked in the praises Edward is giving him.

Louis love how thoughtful the triplets were. He really appreciate what they do for him, how they take care of him. It's probably because of how they see him as a "little omega brother, they never had." since all the styles siblings are alphas. Gemma being the oldest, the triplets as the middle one and their younger brother by a year Liam. Liam was their adopted brother, but the styles loved him like he's their real siblings and son. Liam parents died since he's still a 2 years old toddler.

"Thank you Eddie. I Really appreciate the time and effort you three put into this to make me happy. But to be honest, I'd still enjoy it even if we're in our pajamas in our tree house watching movies." Louis mumbled shyly playing with Harry's hand and rings that was currently placed on his lap.

"Wait Lou, are you saying you don't want to go out tonight. Shit, I'm so sorry Lou-lou I didn't realize you might not want to go out tonight, because you're probably sore and tired but here I am dragging you out. I'm so sorry louis it's just the carnival was about to close tomorrow and it might be packed then, so I want to bring you there a day early. I'm really sorry Lou, I just thought you might want to have fun. I know how much you love carnivals and we were even planning on winning you stuff toys or anything even though we clearly sucked at it. And I know how much you hate it when we spend so much money on it even though we all know we can buy the entire carnival and I just-" Edward was cut off by his rambling by Louis putting his hand on the alphas mouth to stop his rambling. He can't help but giggle while the other two growled lowly, hating that the surprise is now ruined. But also trying to fight off a smile on their face. They all know that when Edward's nervous he tend to ramble a lot, one of the reason why they never told him secrets or anything because if caught off guard the alpha will ramble his way. Also the reason they get in trouble with their mom because of Edward's nervous habit when they were kids, even now that they're grown up. They still get into trouble because of it.

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