Chapter 13 - Ang damdamin kong napagtanto na gusto kita.

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"Ang damdamin kong napagtanto na gusto kita."

"This feeling of mine, that figured out I like you."

"Napapangiti mo ang aking puso."

"You're making my heart smile."

"Anong salamangkang meron ka binabalot ka ng maghika."

"What spell do you have, you are covered with magic."

-Mahika (Magic) | Adie, Janine Berdin


"Hello lou-lou." Harry happily greeted his best friend at eight o' clock in the morning, smile shining bright just like the sun outside their school field, perfect white teeth on display just for louis, which the omega just rolled his eyes at.

"What do you want, harry?" Louis replied dryly, still rummaging through his locker as he looked through his notebooks that he would use for today's classes. Harry's smile drop at louis' tone. It was cold and wry and it made harry's heart ache to be treated this way by the omega he loves the most. The way his name sounds sounds so wrong, there wasn't a tone of endearment or fond laced around and it made harry frown.

"I was- I was just checking up on how have you been." Harry mumbled sadly, these past few weeks made harry and his twins was first annoyed at the way louis treated them but now standing here like a fool in front of his friend who he felt like couldn't care less how much he's hurting his friend.

Harry felt like louis somehow finally noticed on how he treat them, with the way he heaves out a sigh and faced harry with a forlorn face. "I'm sorry haz. I know I'm acting weird, I don't know what's up with me. It's not even about my heat, I'm sorry for treating you like shit." Louis apologized, his eyes full of regret and dejectedness.

With a tight lipped smile, harry only shook his head. Reaching out to hold louis' hands in his, tracing over the veins as he ran his fingertips through the delicate skin as they stood there in silence.

"I can't say I understand because I can't, we were so confused with the way you treated us little omega. But you know my brother and I are always here for you, you're our best friend." Harry assured louis'. The class bell is going to ring any minute now but the two stay glued, louis leaning against his locker as he eyed harry softly, his heart bursting with so much joy at the way the alpha and his brother cares for him, and he didn't realized until sooner how shitty he had been treating them, it didn't occur until now. And he was full of regret on why he did that, he doesn't even know what's going on with him, but with here being in the empty space with one of the alpha he loves eyeing him with so much gentleness and delicacy, tracing loving patterns on his soft supple skin. He finally feel light as a feather than the couple of weeks spent in agony with no one to tell.

"Tell you what, let's go to our cabin this weekend. Just us four and have a good time, what do you say?" Harry leaned forward and hugged louis, it wasn't anything new for louis when the alphas touched him with affection, but it doesn't mean it doesn't make his heart skip a beat. The two stood there hugging each other as louis buried his face deeper on harry's shoulder blades taking a big inhale of the alpha's calming scent, students around them started to dispersed but only a voice made them tear up from each other.

"Harry?" A delicate voice from besides them ring. Harry broke their embrace as he looked at his omega with a wide smile. "Emily! Hi, lovely how are you?" Harry surged forward as he kissed the omega's cheek, hugging her quickly before facing louis again but not without leaving a hand on emily's waist. Rubbing his thumb in a soothing manner just like he do whenever he does that with louis.

Louis watched the scene with so much sadness that made his heart broke, he badly wanted to turn around and leave to head for his class but it would seem rude and would only prove to harry that something was really wrong about him. So no matter how much it hurts his feet glued on the ground as he smiled tightly at them.

"I was just heading to class, I'm sure louis will do the same. Louis why don't we go together?" Emily cheerily said, it was too cheerily at eight in the morning and it made louis suspicious since emily doesn't interact with him that much. A sinking feeling on his lower stomach, louis was skeptical on what emily might want with him to walk with him in their class.

"Oh, is that so? You two go ahead then, wouldn't want my two omega bonding be ruined because of me, I'll see you two later. Lovely, my brother and I will see you later for our date night, okay?" Harry said, kissing emily in front of louis as he bid his omega goodbye before turning around, emily giggled fondly at his alpha's antics nodding excitedly at their plans for later.

"C'mon Lou." Emily urged louis as she walked ahead, Louis frowned when she called him by the nickname only his family and closed friend call him, Louis also noticed it wasn't said cheerily. It was cold with a hint of annoyance to it and it made louis' skin crawl.

He doesn't know if he's just reading it too much but as soon as they neared their classroom with no one around them, emily turned around and faced louis with a glare. "Stay away from my alphas, louis. I don't want you spending time with what's mine, you're just their best friend so act like it and don't be so touchy with them." Emily hissed as her eyes turned red. Louis shocked, felt his blood ran cold. Clearly this was a dream, this emily was mean and unfogiving and not the facade she showed whenever the alphas or other people are around.

Louis quickly got his composure, returning the glare the omega who was a foot shorter than him. "Listen here, I don't care who you think you are, I am their best friend which means I will always come first to them, I've known them my whole life, you've only met them in a month. Don't think you're so special, because you are not. After they're done with your little play thing they will toss you aside just like they did with everyone else. Don't mess with me emily, from the start I already don't like you, and you just prove to me how much of a bitch you are. You don't own them, so don't act like it." Louis hissed, glaring down at the omega who was closed to tears, turning around louis headed inside the classroom with his head held high. Now knowing emily's true color he wasn't afraid to show him his, if emily push through with her scheme. Then two can play the game, louis thought. 

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