Chapter 7 - I'm right here.

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"Cause here I am, I'm giving all I can but all you do is mess it up. Yeah, I'm right here I'm trying to make it clear that getting half of you, just ain't enough."

-Naked | James Arthur

The triplets and Louis spent their weekend glued to the hips as they did anything they wanted or thought to do, they spent the days with laughter and smiles. Louis felt so happy spending the short days with the alphas he dearly loved.

As louis was about to put baby powder on his face a loud honk pulled louis out of his reverie as he prepared for the long day ahead of him, putting down the bottle of baby powder he was holding, he went and looked over out to his window that looked over their driveway. Seeing the alphas getting out of Edward's car, as the latter suckled on his cola flavored lollipop he always took in the morning, while marcel leaned over the side of the car staring down at his phone while smiling, making louis frown but was soon replaced with a wide smile as he tore his eyes away from him and looked over at harry who was already looking over at louis while waving his hands to get louis' attention. His smile wide showing his pearly white teeth and the pool of his dimple on the side of his cheeks.

"Are you ready Lou-Lou? C'mon we're going to be late!" Harry shouted, cupping his hands to the side of his mouth, His loud voice got the attention of the other two as they looked at harry then to louis, Marcel pocketed his phone to greet louis with a sweet. "Good Morning, Sweet heart! Get ready, we're going at Johnny Tee before school, their hash browns are back!" Marcel shouted over, making louis squeal excitedly. Before louis got the chance to retract his head back out of his window. The window beside him open and lottie's head popping out of it. "Why are you all shouting at seven in the morning?! Jesus christ." Louis' sister angrily shouted at the triplets, sleepiness evident on her as she still has her bed hair and pillow creases on her face.

Louis and the triplets looked at her with their eyes wide. Harry the charming that he is apologizes quickly with a promise of treating Lottie at the mall later, with him still shouting. Lottie sighs, rubbing her forehead as if there's a migraine forming in her head with all the shouting, but agreed tiredly with Harry's bribery. As Lottie closed her window door, the triplets look back to Louis as the latter made a gesture of waiting. "I'll be downstairs in a minute! Go inside, I think mum made tea." Louis said to them, retracting his head back and closing his own window.

Louis went back to his mirror to fix the collar of his polo over his sweater and adjusted his pants, picking up the bottle of baby powder he poured a little on his hands and rubbing it on his face. Dusting off the excess powder off of his face, he fixes his hair one more time before turning around to look for his phone and bag then leaving his room. As he descends downstairs he heard the voices of his alpha friends and his mother and father. He entered their dining area with a joyful greeting of "Good morning everyone!"

As he went over to where they are all seated as they greeted him as enthusiastic, back.

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