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"No! Marcel, stop it!" Louis giggles, pleading for mercy as his best friend continue his assault by tickling the younger omega to death. "Say I'm your favorite triplet first!" marcel also giggle but slowing down his fingers as to not leave bruises on his delicate omega best friend. "I-I lo- love you a-all equally!" louis continued to tease marcel, but they all know that the omega really love the three equally.

"Marcel stop that! You're making lou ran out of breath." Edward's voice boomed making louis squeaked, being caught off guard by edward. Marcel froze, eyes widening in fear. Louis took it as a chance in order to get out of marcel unforgiving tickle fight.

Before he knows it louis was ducking out of the carpeted floor, pushing marcel out on top of him making him fall down. He whined in pain as his head hit the floor. A giggly Louis went to Edward's arm that was wide open just for the omega.

"You deserved it marcy! You're not giving louis any mercy!" Harry shouted down the hall where he was baking with his mom and mumma jay. Following with a laugh as he realized he just made it rhyme.

Louis nods sticking his tongue out at marcel while the latter pout at him. Edward faux glaring at marcel while rubbing louis' sides. But everyone can see the small smile against his lips."

Marcel was out of his day dreaming when his 6 years old son crawled up on his lap, cuddling him. When Lucas realized his papa was upset he immediately know he needs to calm him.

"Why are you sad papa?" lucas replied sadly he hate seeing his father sad.

"I just remembered someone I used to love, little one. Don't worry your little head. Papa is alright. Where's you dada and daddy?" marcel explained softly while directing his son to a different topic because he doesn't want to dwell on what happened to his best friend. He saw Lottie and Felicite in the internet they know how the Tomlinson sisters have been doing. But they don't know about his brother. Whenever they try to talk to them they would just avoid it.

"They are downstairs, dada is cooking and baking something while daddy is talking to auntie emma." Lucas mumbled quietly. Indicating that he's nearing his bed time.

"Come on love bug, let's get you something to eat. Then you can go to sleep okay." Marcel pecked his son forehead, before carrying him downstairs. But not before folding a page to indicate of where he left reading William T. newly released book.

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