Chapter one

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My alarm went off way to early for my taste "I definitely shouldn't have stayed on my phone all night".

"Lily, are you up yet ?" asked my mom for the tenth time.

"Yeeeees, I'm coming!"

"Change your tone young girl! Hurry up or you're gonna be late, and the plane will definitely not wait for you."

"Alright, alright, I'm coming, relax."

"I can't believe you're going to the US. It's soooo cool! D'you think I'll be able to go there too with my class when I'm your age ? It would be awesome. And you're gonna visit the Avengers Tower !!! That is way too cool for you and..."

"Geez, thanks So"

"Don't call me that."

"Then stop being annoying, plus it's not even sure. I doubt we'd be allowed to set foot inside the tower. We're going to New-York to learn about the most recent aspects of History. Plus, it's 4am for crying out loud!"

"Mooooom, Lily's being mean to meeeee!"

"Girls, stop this right now. I do not have the patience required to deal with you two's bullshit right now. Lily, you better be out of your bed and halfway dressed."

Considering the time, it wasn't that surprising that mom was pissed so quickly. After a glare in my sister's direction, I got dressed and put the last of my stuff in my suitcase.

"Lily you have less than an hour to get there. Hurry up!"

"Mom, we're literally 2 minutes away from the train station, I have more than enough time."

"Fine, do whatever you like, but don't complain if you're in a rush"

So bloody dramatic

Breakfast was quick, and after brushing my teeth and my hair, I double-checked my suitcase, while my mom was triple-checking that very same suitcase.

"Mom, I'll only be gone for a week, even if I were to have forgotten something, it won't be the end of the world."

"Fine, fine, but just so you know, if you're hiding something in your suitcase, they won't let you go to the US."

"What would you want me to hide that is illegal ? I don't even have scissors or a compas in my pencil case and you want me to have anything sharp in my suitcase ? And what would I find that is illegal and that you wouldn't have already found ? Mom, seriously, relax."

"Do I have to remind you that you are travelling to the other side of the planet? If something happens to you, I won't be here to help. And don't forget to hide your marks. It wouldn't do you any good to stand out too much."

"I know, mum, I know. I'm packed by the way."

"Good. It's good."

"And I still have 15 minutes before I have to go."

"Your friends might be here earlier, especially Edmond, his parents always arrive a bit before."

"Got it, I'll go now. I'll see you in a week. Bye Sofia!"

"Bye Lils!"

"Be careful and follow your teachers instructions, and do not show your marks. I love you."

"I love you too mum."

When I arrived at the meeting point, Edmond was there, but that was to be expected. What I wasn't expecting was the fact that the rest of my friend group was also there. All of them. How ? I had left 15 minutes prior to the time we were supposed to meet! I mean, I knew I was usually the last one to arrive but still.

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